Some ground rules..A:Never take me into a bookstore, unless of course you have money to spend. B: Never let me look at CD's uless you have money.
Published Sunday, September 11, 2005 by Maria | E-mail this post 
Okay I now realize that anyone who read my last post is thinking "Who the hell is Daria" so I'll give a bit of an explantion:Daria's first incarnation was as an occasional character in Beavis and Butt-head, where she formed a female, intelligent foil to the two dunderheads. In her eponymous series, Daria became more angsty; to some, she's the poster child for 'teen misfit.' Voiced by Tracy Grandstaff, Daria is a bespectacled, plain, highly intelligent, unfashionably dressed, and seemingly cynical teenage girl who is portrayed as an icon of sanity in an insane household, with her vacuous, fashion-obsessed sister Quinn and career-obsessed parents Helen and Jake. While much of the show is a vehicle for Daria's droll deadpan monotone one-liners, a recurring plot element in early seasons is Daria standing up to misused authority, leading some fans to conclude that her apparent cynicism is only skin deep.But anyway, today I didn't do anything really. Went to Target to get Lindsay a birthday gift and had no clue what to get her. Casey [GRRRRRR] already got her what I was orginaly going to get I walked around the DVD's and CD's for like 20 mins trying to figure out what to get. I ended up getting her a Happy Bunny calendar, I sware shes obessed with Happy Bunny. But anyway I got her that and a gift card....I didn't feel like going to the mall and trying to find something because I knew I wouldn't. But then I had find something I wanted, I ended up getting myself a cd, wich I wasn't supposed to do. I got myslef Coldplay's old cd and I love it!!!! [and hey it was only like $11 I mean come on how could I let that go by???] But then I went to Borders and okay I was only supposed to get one book..but somehow one turned into three and then that turned into four. So I ended up spending like $45 the whole day, and in fact [except for lindsay's gift] I was only suppposed to spend $17 or $18 on myself. And then I was supposed to send for a Shurtugal T-shirt and a Harry and the Potters cd. So now I only have $5 left but thats okay...I'll just have to wait longer for my T-shirt and Harry and the Potters cd..o well I knew I shouldn't have told myself I was going to buy something lol. But I'll buy it in time, don't worry. I'm going to hate tomrrow I have computer class again AND gym. I mean okay maybe I shouldn't totally hate computer class but it just gets old, I mean the teacher acts like none of us have seen a computer before. It just gets old. I mean what he takes 42 mins to teach I could probably do in about 10 mins or so. Its just like you know some of us actually know how to use the computer!!!!!!!. But I guess gym will be O.K. as long as I don't get yelled at for my shoe flying off I'll be happy. but for nowthatis that.
You don't really enjoy gym class either? I've never spent more than I was supposed to on that stuff, seeing as if I ever spend money it's hard earned and I can spend it on whatever I want.
Well I haven't really had much money to spend since like March or something so now I've gone a bit overboard about stuff...
i like gym because my gym techer is cool and i like bevis and butt-head and daria
Jordan your a guy, thats why you actually like gym...