That Professor Umbridge
Published Wednesday, May 10, 2006 by Maria | E-mail this post 
That Professor Umbridge
There is one teacher
Who I think looks like a creature
That teacher is the worst
They say her job is cursed
She is the meanest of them all
Fred and George want her to fall
She took away their brooms
So now they may not go vroom-vroom
Now they cannot play Quidditch
In the great Quidditch pitch
Now they are off their house team
They'll never again get to see their house cup gleam
Just goes to show you what I do with my 9th periods....But was cool for the most part. Homeroom I just talked to Miriah and Josh. Everyone kept trying to steal Miriah's hat, Teady actually wore it for awhile..that I must admit was an adventure in itself. I myself am surprised that she actually got it back. Durring ancient civ I wrote one of the essays I have to write for tomrrow. But I didn pay attention in ancient civ too..or at least I tried to. I still have to write the other essay and *coughfinishthefirstonecough*...I'll just *coughdoittomrrowinancientcivcough*. Reading just read poems and stuff...shane wasn't there so I just worked with Miriah and Brandon. Science we had a sub, watched a stupid video and had to do a stupid worksheet with it too. I hate worksheets..I talked to Danny most of the time actually lol. Computer I got my essay typed and worked on ultra key that was pretty borring. In Ultra Key I don't know what level I'm's the one where you have to have 97% accuracy...and I only have 96%...whatever. I've been on this one about a ton of onions on a skid. Skids of oats roll on..and something about Nailing all doors to fit and something about lions. It's anoying. Anyway, math we got homework and did notes..that was really borring..I kept looking at the clock the entire time. Lunch sat with Paige, Madi and Casey. Lindsay went to the nurse..and then went home I suppose? Paige got on me cuz I frogot Give a Boy a Gun again...I'll remember tomrrow, then I'll show you!!!..*hopes*. LA just worked on stuff..sorta borring..but whatever I just sort of sat there the whole time. Gym I played tennis with Ashley and Gretchan (sp?)..anyway..we had fun, Ashley hit it over the fence..that was really cool...cuz Alex and Austin and all of them had to go and run to get it. Good times, Good Times. Then 9th period I just wrote that poem because I was bored *cougheventhoughishouldhaveworkedonmyessayscough* and I kept running up to Miriah asking her stuff about Umbridge from the 5th book because I couldn't remember everything. I should read them over..But
well, lins wasnt at choir, so im guessing shes sick. DONT FORGET THAT BOOK FOR PAIGE!!! lol. and dont forget madi and i wont be at lunch.