We've got to Save Ginny Weasley
Published Sunday, April 09, 2006 by Maria | E-mail this post 
Daria - So, first she tells Quinn that she can fix her up for six thousand dollars. Jane - Miss Pert 'N Pretty? What can she possibly need for six G's, other than a new personality?
Daria - Wait, there's more. Then she announces for twenty grand, she can fix me. Which means she can make me look like Quinn.
Jane - Sheesh, what would you want to look like that loser for? She needs six thousand dollars' worth of plastic surgery!
Well, well well. Hear I am again, with not a whole lot to say. Harry and the Pottes concert is tomrrow night, Miriah and Cat are gunna come with me, and we're gunna have a blast! w00t! I'm pretty tired as of now though. I played badmitten with my dad for awhile after I got done typing up my persuasive (sp?) essay for school...it's not due till wed. but i don't know how long I'm gunna have to do it becaues of the concert tomrrow night. Tomrrow after school I'm gunna do my voluntear stuff at the library untill around like 4:15 or whever my mom calls. Then I gotta go home, eat pizza (I know hard) get ready for the concert and Miriah will come at about 4:45...and then at like 5:00 I'm gunna leave and then after that it's Cat's hosue to get her and then Harry and the Potters, hear we come! So yeah untill I can post about the concert That
i wish i could go to the concert:-( hope u guys have fun. tell me all about it!