Vote 4 Emily for Emperor Penguin!
Published Thursday, April 06, 2006 by Maria | E-mail this post 
Daria: Okay. We know Mr. O'Neill assigned a play, and you're pretty sure the title didn't contain the word "alien." Do you remember anything else?
Joey: Uh, I think the guy on the cover was wearing tights.
Daria: Hmm. Since there are no wrestling dramas on the syllabus, I'm guessing Shakespeare.
Jeffy: Wait, I remember now. He's a stalker. He follows girls home from parties and peeks in their windows.
Daria: Romeo and Juliet.
Well today was pretty cool. Casey wasn't hear this morning, feild trip or home sick? I don't really know..but uhh..talked to Christine and Cat while Lindasy and I were at our lockers. Homeroom ran around talked to Josh and Miriah. Pretty cool. Found out that yesterday was Josh's birthday from watching the tv in the morning..and he never told us! You don't even tell your own friends when it's your Birthday!HAPPY BIRDTHAY JOSH!So Miriah and I were mad cuz he didn't tell us. Then we had language that was cool I suppose, talked to emily and cat and all of them. Reading all we did was read the play we're reading in class..borring. Apparently I get to play the part of the slave now, oh joy. Sceince we played a really easy review game. FACS we had a sub and worked on our newspaper things I was with kevin so I had a bit of fun. Math we watched a stupid movie and almost noone payed any attention to it at all. Miriah thought she got in trouble because the sub came over and he was like are you Miriah? And she was just like yeah and then he was like okay I gotta sign your assignment book then. We both thought she got in trouble because she was looking at a magazine and stuff when he came over lol. Then lunch was okay, since Casey and Madi were on a feild trip it was just paige, Christine, Cat, Lindsay and I. We had fun, talked about a few things..Bob got sat on by a few poeople :(. After lunch was LA that was okay we edited our essays..after that was Ancient Civ. We had a quiz, got notes and watched a video. After that was 9th period wrote notes to Miriah about something I can't tell you..hahaha secerts. Talked to Josh annnd watched a short film on my iPod. Ahh yes the life, watching a movie in 9th peirod. Don't you just wish you were me? But
Oh yeah and vote for Emily!
i was sick today. it sucked. nothin was on tv today. but ill be back tomrrow!!! lol. im glad u had a good day at least. :-)