Awkward Silence is Beautiful
Published Friday, March 10, 2006 by Maria | E-mail this post 
Ms. Li: If someone asked me to teach a class, I'd be honored. Besides, we wouldn't be in this fix if it weren't for your mother.
Daria: Yeah. Hire one pedophile and she gets all bent out of shape. Besides, I'm not thinking of me. I'm thinking of the children.
("devil" and "angel" versions of Daria appear and hover on either side of her head)
Devil Daria: Not so fast. You'll get out of gym class.
Angel Daria: You? A scab?
Devil Daria: Oh, great. Touched by an angel.
Angel Daria: You'd be betraying your teachers.
Devil Daria: Hey, yeah! You'd be betraying your teachers!
Angel Daria: You'd just be falling into the same trap that managements always use to keep wages low and workers weak.
Devil Daria: Oh, go dance on the head of a pin. You could make Quinn's life really miserable.
Angel Daria: Huh. That's a good point.
Devil Daria: Hey, you hungry?
Angel Daria: Yeah, we can pick this up later.
Well today was pretty cool. Today was hat day..but I didn't pay the $2 to wear one..whatever. Josh wore his really cool hat all day. Ancient Civ like all we did was take notes and work on homework..sorta boring. Reading we took our final And Then There Were None test...that was pretty boring too..Science was the same, all we did was take notes and I think something really funny happaned but I can't remember it anymore..Music was uhgg I hate sitting next to Jordan he is so effin anoying, like today Davis sat in the wrong seat so we were all moved over one and Jordan saw I was in his seat, and I was writing something down in the front of the room, he just pushes all of my stuff off my desk. I hate him as much as that class. Math we took a test and started something new..uhhg I have homework too, but of course I'm gunna have homework on a weekend. Lunch I sat with Casey and Lindsay and everyone. Was pretty cool, I got a slushie (like I do every day) and it wouldn't sit right on my tray it was funny, you could like spin it around and everything. It was the best slushie in the history of lunch slushies lol. After it was study hall, I walked with Jack, Josh and Lindsay. Quite fun I must admit, we were late because Josh stopped to talk to someone and then when Josh finally got done talking to that girl Jack started complained that the 8th grade hallway being confusing and I was like how can it be confusing when it's like a big square lol. So we were late by like 2 mins..but the teacher didn't even notice so whatever. So the entire period I sat and worked on my book project since it was only like part way done and Mrs. Sciortion was gunna look at them. So then after I walked back with Jack and Josh..mainly just Jack..but anyway, me and Jack left and I watned to hood him and he was like nooo so he started running and stuff lol and then some 6th grade teacher yelled at us and was like "If I catch you doing this again, your both going to the office" and blah blah blah. lol it was pretty funny now that I think about it..I never did get to hood Jack either lol. She's the only teacher who ever yelled at us for doing that too..but whatever then Jack wanted to go the cafertia way instead of the other way so I went with him and Josh went the other way that he said was faster than Jack's way, ha and we got to class and we wern't late long as your not late I think it's just as fast lol. Then we just worked on verb stuff and took the rest of our And Then There Were None test..boring..9th period everyone just sort of talked lol..well it was mainly because Josh and Tyler played chess so then naturally everyone else started talking..I was actually suprised that Mr. Thompson didn't yell at us..but whatever. I did my Ancient Civ homework cuz I was too lazy to do it first period and science...but ahh whatever pretty cool day.
Sounds interesting enough.
I'm looking for ringtones for my phone. Every single one sucks!
I know! I hate it! lol
I love my new layout..