Yet Another Monday
Published Monday, February 13, 2006 by Maria | E-mail this post 
(Upchuck holds up implant in one hand)
Upchuck - Hmmm. Call me country bumpkin, but... what is it?
Jane - It's a fake boob.
(Upchuck shudders, drops the implant back in the box, and runs away with a screaming case of the willies)
Jane - I guess he's not quite ready for a physical relationship.
So today hmm...had a two hour delay because it snowed over the weekend, hell yeah! So I slept untill like 8:30, then got up, got online and got ready for school. Homeroom talked to Josh mostly..saw Jack on my way in, and he told me he did nothing on his book project, Lazy Boy! haha. First peirod or rather third, was science..we started a new unit..and guess who I sit next to? Josh, yes the wonderful and lovely Josh..I can't stand him (note: this Josh is not to be confused with they really cool Josh, Josh P., that I talk to in homeroom and sit with at lunch). And Jack sits next to Brandon..again! he's sat next to and/or near to him since the start of the year! god I hate him sometimes. Reading we took our vocab test, thank god it was open notes..or I really don't think I would have passed, I frogot about it untill last night when I was laying in bed...Then it was Math, Jack lied to me by telling me at the end of Science class that Math wasn't a full period...I found out at the start of Reading that he lied...LIAR!. Math all we did was work on stuff in groups..haha our group didn't get done..but hey we got our problem right that Casey put up on the board. Lunch I sat with umm..I really can't remember..althought I remember being the only girl if that means anything...Bj was there...I think man I'm going to have altizmers or however you spell it when I get old..this wasn't even like a day ago..oh well. Umm...then it was Language Arts I took my midway test for And Then There Were None, I couldn't have done that bad on it..even if I did forget about it lol. Then it was Ancient Civ. sorta borring we filled in notes..I daydreamed like half the class but I got it done anyway..Jack didn't know there was a back to it lol so I doubt he finished it I think it was homework too. 9th period was okay..I wrote a note to Josh cuz I was bored and finished up part of my book project..that's due wed. *dies* But I'll uhh..get it done..yeah something like that..
Lazy and Lying? You know how to pic' 'em!!
Exactly, Jordans right...and he didn't lie! It was Mr. Tanners fault