Megan, "Dan" and the start of the 3rd Marking Period

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Jake - Daria, why aren't you on the tennis team?
Daria - Because it's classified as a sport.
Helen - Speaking of sports, Jodie, do you know Kevin Thompson? He and Daria did a science project together.
Jodie - Oh, sure. Kevin's great... (softly to Daria) smashing beer cans with his head.
Helen - I don't know why Daria doesn't hang around with him and his gang more.
Daria - For the same reason I don't sleep with my head packed in ice

Well homeroom talked to hmm..Josh and Lindsay...Casey too I think I dunno I can't really remember now lol. Ancient Civ I really could have fallen alsleep but it was one of the very few classes with Mr. Thompson that you like..had to actually like pay attention because he would like ask us a question every 5 seconds so I couldn't really sleep that well. Oh yeah and a new marking period started today..I'm not really srue if I should be happy or not..kinda sad though since theres only one more marking peirod left after this one :(. Reading was borring...we just got stuff back and worked on essays. Science was okay..we have to do yet another stupid group project. Though this time we got to actually pick our groups wich was cool..I guess...I'm not with Jack though (grr) :(. I was going to be but he had to pick the one that like everyone in the entire class wanted to do and my locker had to not open so I didn't get to be with him...But I'm with Bullmoney so..I guess it's ok. At least I'm wich someone that I can stand right? wrong, dead wrong. Well anyway we changed seats and I sit next to taylor again. But guess who Jack gets to sit next to? His all time favorite person in the world, Megan! ha.He told me he has to sit next to her in homeroom too. Man I feel bad for him, I'm just glad I don't have to sit next to her anymore! But back to our group projects..apparently Shayne didn't have anyone to go with so guess what group Mr. Tanner just had to put him with? Ours. Exactly why I said I had to put with someone I couldn't stand. But I sorta talked to Jack when we were supposed to be working because he sits near Jack and his group was at his table working on his project so I talked to him for awhile...I told him to shoot me becasue I had to work with Shayne...he said he'd just shoot Shayne because Shayne would be more fun to kill, I feel so loved. Then I had I suppose. I sit next to Jordan or "dan"(if you get that joke I feel very bad for you becasue that means that you have been a victum of Jordan's stupidity)..Jordan is an ididot. And I really ment what I said to, he is a full fleged idiot. Music will be okay I guess...but Jack's lucky he has facs ha I can't wait to see what he makes, that could be...well I'm not sure what it could be, I think I'll just wait on that one. Then it was math..*fun*, so much *fun*. We got some grades back..also fun *dies*. Then it was Lunch I sat with Lindsay, Casey, Madi and Paige. Fun for the most part. Then I had Language Arts, we worked on our essays again, I got mine finished. After that was gym fun enough. I watched Jack dance for awhile...I got Alex to get Lindsay out..walked around with Christine for awhile...Talked to James he just stood around and we talked about how unfair it was that there wasn't anyone "cool" on our side to talk to... and how we hated the groups we were put into for the rest of the year...After I walked back with Jackson and we took the sort of long but sort of easier way back to homeroom. Apparently everyone was "in their seat and quiet at 2:22" so we didn't get to talk...*coughNickcough*. Since we couldn't talk I wrote a note to Josh because I got bored..and it really sucks because tomrrow we're going to change seats in homeroom and I really, really, really like sitting next to Josh and it's really, really going to suck becasue I highly doubt that Mr. Thompson will put me near him or Alex or Lindsay or Bullmonkey or anyone :(. Same with class I doubt I sit near Bullmonkey and Jack anymore in Math :(. And I bet I don't sit near Jack anymore in Ancient Civ. :(.. But after homeroom I just walked to the bus with Lindsay and sort of Casey, since Jack had ski and snowboard club.


1 Responses to “Megan, "Dan" and the start of the 3rd Marking Period”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Hmmmm....That sucks.

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  • I'm Maria
  • From York, Pennslyvania, United States
  • I'm just about always online when I'm not in school. I'm into writing and reading. I don't update my blogger blog anymore so, this is probably pretty pointless.
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