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Ms. Barch: Excellent job, Daria. You get an "A."
Kevin: All right!
Ms. Barch: Not you, you man. You get a "D."
Kevin: All right!
^^ *coughjacksoncough*

Haven't updated in forever! Gotta go back to school on Tuesday...but I'm glad, it's starting to get borring around the house. Well I haven't really done that much since vacation started..worked on my book project, messed that up like 2 times Grrrrr. Read Inkheart, I didn't get to finish it though :(. I really wanted to...but I've been doing a ton of other stuff too. Went shopping a few times got the first season of Pete and Pete! I know, I know, noone knows what Pete and Pete is, so if you really want to find out
http://www.cs.indiana.edu/~jfrens/pete-and-pete/ there. Got my iPod for x-mas and a few other things. When I went shopping I got some cd's too, Fall Out Boy and a few others I can't remember right now. Got transfer paper and t-shirts to make cool t-shirts with. http://www.the-n.com/games/ironons/ I was going to make the Daria ones, and I love the one that says " Future Mrs. Craig Manning" and "What Would Paige Do" and the one that says "Degrassi Anti-Club Club" (and on the back) "No Meeting. No Members. No Problem."
But anyway, Tomrrow I was planning to spend working on my book Project. I was planning to get it done before I went back on Tuesday..but the plan didn't work out that way after I messed on it when I first started...so I guess I'll just get done whatever I can tomrrow. I'd really like to finish Inkheart too...but that won't happen, anyway I'd rather just finish it this week and then on Saturday I can go get Inkspell.

3 Responses to “*coughjacksoncough*”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Haha, love that! Oh and yes the Future Mrs. Craig Manning shirt ROCKS SO HARD! Though the What would Paige do, is a classic. lol! Don't forget Power to the Lunatics!

  2. Blogger Maria 


  3. Anonymous Anonymous 

    POWER TO THE LUNATICS! YEAH!! lol, we really are lunatics!

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  • I'm Maria
  • From York, Pennslyvania, United States
  • I'm just about always online when I'm not in school. I'm into writing and reading. I don't update my blogger blog anymore so, this is probably pretty pointless.
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