Helen - All right, Ms. Li, let me make sure I have this straight. You took my daughter's poster from her, altered its content, exhibited it against her will, and are now threatening discipline because you claim she defaced her own property, which you admit to stealing?Ms. Li - (flustered) That's not what I said at all!Helen - Ms. Li, are you familiar with the phrase "violation of civil liberties"?Ms. Li - I...Helen - And the phrase "big fat lawsuit"?^bustedWell tell the truth I've been quite bored.Since I have nothing better to do I'll talk about school. On Wed. since we had a half day all we did was watch Nation Treasure, that movie should die. I've seen it 3 times now, twice in school and once at home over the summer. After the movie was peirod 4, art. Fun, Fun, Fun. Well sorta. I finished my project and ended up talking to James, Christne and Nacho (Ryan) for the rest of the time. I walked back to homeroom with Emily and ended up finding Josh along they way. In 9th peirod Mr. Thompson had some movie on so we didn't get much of a chance to to talk. I didn't really watch the movie...I read. Before I got on the bus I found Jack and talked to him some more, then got on the bus to go home. Yesterday I didn't really do much....watched tv, slept, finished my book, got online .That's about it.But today...Ahh yes today, is my birthday!
yay! But I have a ton of things I have to do today. 1. Do my homework. 2. clean my room. (you really, really don't want to see it right now) 3.Finish my book for my project. 4. Start my project. 5. Find another book since I finished the one I was reading last night.So much fun. So much.I'd rather be in schoo, then I wouldn't have so much homework..or maybe it wouln't seem like it.ButForNowThatIsThat.
HAPPY BIRHTDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR RIA! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOOOOUUUU! Happy birthday kid! Sorry I didn't talk to you on your b-day, baby duty lol! Cleaning your room sucks, lol! I hate doing that, and on your bday! Well my bday's next!
haha thaks rina, and Kendal!