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Published Thursday, October 27, 2005 by Maria | E-mail this post 
Jane - You know, nobody said the message had to be positive. I'm going to do something that really represents student life.Daria - Yes.Jane - And tell the truth about how much it can suck.Daria - Yes.Jane - To blow away the story-book fantasy about how great it is to be young.Daria - Yes.Jane - And you're going to help.Daria - No.^^ why would she?Well this week as been pretty...borring really. Talked to Alex and Lindsay in homeroom this morning. In reading we got our projects back, I got a 97%. Alot better than I thought I was going to do. Then we had to split up into groups for our very, very, very, stupid group projects. Noone in our group was doing what we were stupposed to be doing. So I figured it they got to have fun and talk and do whatever they were doing, I'd make my own fun. I sat and read for like 10 mins or so untill we all got told off for not doing what we were supposed to be doing. Then in Science, we played a review game...I payed attention for awhile but lost intrest soon. It was intresting and all but....I just didn't really feel like it after awhile. I mean hell the boys won both games anyway, so it's not really like the girls had a chance. I mean really, everyone is so damn stupid it gets anoying after awhile. So I read, again, for like the last 10 mins of class, and noone cared, I had much more fun reading than paying attention anyway. In tech. ed. I worked on my project, it's one of thoes twirly wind thigys. Cat made a really cool shirt, and Christine got done her twirly wind thingy. As stupid as it sounds I kinda wish we did have school tomrrow, only for the fact that I'm going to be so damn bored. Well Ethan gave me Eldest maybe I'll just spend the day reading that. Or I could start on The Penultimate Peril, the twelth Series of Unfortunate Events. But anyway, in 9th peirod I just read Eragon more or less...I didn't really have much else to do, no homeowork or anything. I don't know what I'll do this weekend...probably be bored and sit hear at the computer being bored. But ForNowThatIsThat.
You won't be bored you're coming over to my house tomorrow!! That's never boring! lol! Well you got a good grade, and you got some reading done lol! Update later and tell us how the dance was! Ttyl
*sigh* I didn't get to go to the dance...I didn't really feel like writing about it when I updated. It's a long story...I can tell you over aim then. But yeah my half day was soo fuckin messed up, I mean okay it's one thing not to be able to go out with Jack, but missing the dance is another.