Casey, Eragon and the "team actvity"
Published Monday, October 10, 2005 by Maria | E-mail this post 
Jodie - Thanks for the ride. My parents will meet us up there after the new members' brunch at their club. My father's been on the waiting list for three years.
Daria - Remember, no matter what happens on this ride you've already waived your right to sue me for confining you with lunatics.^^ that one was just plain funny if you ask me.
What is there to say about today...hmm...well okay first of all Chris was back today. In homeroom I read Eragon.
Also, guess who I got to read Eragon? Casey!! Yes, Casey has came to the realization that she needs to read it...mainly just to understand what I'm talking about half the time..but on the other hand she needs to read it just because it's one of the best books in the world!
In ancient civ. we had a test, and after I was done I read for the rest of the peirod. Every other peirod was the same...In tech. ed. we didn't really do much because we finished our project we didn't really have anything to do. But we Christine started calling random people in our class stone heads (in dwarven may I add) it was funny.
In homeroom we had to do this stupid "team actvity"..the whole thing is stupid, apparently at the end of the year we're going to play some sort of triva game with everything we learned all year..STUPID. So we had to start making up the questions...okay I was in a group with Chris and this other kid..whatever his name was. Okay so the other kid started putting really stupid things down. People really piss me off when they do that I mean its like just put the right thing to begin with then we won't have to change it in the end, it's less work! So then Chris has to go somewhere..don't ask me where.. and the other kid goes to the bathroom...guess what? LEAVING ME WITH ALL THE FUCKIN WORK. So I fix the answers that kid put down then I start to make up the other ones and then Chris comes back and does the rest of it for me. happy ending...not really the next time that other kid is going to pay for not NOT DOING A THING . Lindsay got to go with Alex and have alot of fun...not fair.
i got nuthing really to say but harry potter books are the best
haha...yeah I think I like Eragon more though...I'm not really sure.
Well that sucks. At least Chris came back in the end though. I mean I hate it when people leave, like when we're doing dishes at my house and all every once in a while one of my sibs slips away without really doing anything and you're stuck with the work.
Yeah well I was actually kinda happy that other kid left so I could put real answers down, but I would have been nice if Chris hadn't left.