Back by Casey's demand!
Published Monday, October 03, 2005 by Maria | E-mail this post 
Well by popular demand I have decided to update my blog!!! Okay, Okay...there isn't really any demand....but Casey has been getting on me to update forever so now I have! And I bet everyone wants to read the exciteing adventures of Maria right? umm...probably not, seeing as noone ever comments :'(....but on with this update for now.
Daria: There's no sadder sight on this earth, than a football player trying to think.
Jane: Who said that?
Daria: I believe it was Jefferson.
^^ I totally agree, wich leads me right into the question of the day, how did Deon get on the football team?, better yet how did he make it past pre-school?
But anyway over the weekend I went to the Renaissance Faire, had a blast by way!.. But then there is school....yeah fun huh? not really. My book project was due today and I got back 2 of my tests. Did better than I thought I would....and another test tomrrow that I have yet to study for. Started my next book project, I'm already 100 pages into the book! though, it's so easy it isn't funny, But thats nice then I can take all the time in the world to do the rest :-D. In LA we got new seats...I sit next to Josh and across from Jackson. I can't stand Josh. Don't ask me why I just can't stand the kid. But Jackson I like, he's cool [one of the few, few, people in class I would say that about]. Well okay one good reason I can't stand Josh: He always gets the class into trouble, or he's one of them anyway. Example: Today we did something in groups and we got done so we were supposed to read our books untill everyone else was done. Josh just sits there, trying to act all "cool" wich is just plain stupid, then we had to stay after class because he started talking to Ryan and then Shayne started then everyone else started talking. Nothing much else has been going on really...still didn't get our math tests back..though I'm not sure I want to know what I got.
But Casey since your sad that I've rarely meantion you in my blog hear you go: I'm talking about you? Do you feel loved and Special now?Casey alos has changed the color of her braces, they are now Lime Green! [the coolest color in the world!] And since I have yet to do Kendal's quiz hear you go:....umm..okay take that off your list I seem to have misplaced the quiz in my latter yeah I'll just put it up hear latter..[umm..that is if I ever find it]
Tomrrow I have gym! yay!...*rolls eyes*, by now you know how I feel about gym so I don't think there is any need to continue right? Though I have, also tech. ed. wich I do actually like! lol, it'll be fun.
Also, I hope you feel better Mike!...even though I highly doubt you'll ever read this...
in reference to dean u dont have to be good at football because u r on the team when u sign up i think.well anyway since u dont have many ppl commenting u i real write a long comment to make u happy hopefully.i never met anybody who failed pre-school. I went to the renaissense last monday and it was ASWOME!!!!!!!what book was ur book report about.what book are u reading now.Josh can be annorying mostly all the time but he tries to get attention or that is what i was acting cool be not doing what the teaches says because im cool everday in class when we r taking green is an ok color but purple is the best and will be till the day i die and in soccer try and be offence and just run towards the ball to make it seem like ur doing something no offence if u actully play not sure if u even play soccer i think u do well that is it
Hmm..yeah I don't know anyone who failed pre-school, though I know alot of people who should have lol. And it wasn't the Josh you know, it was another he's not in my class :( I'd much rather he was though. But anyway the Josh in my class [don't know his last name] well he's friends with Lisa, Teri and their little "popular" gang. guess you sorta had to be there to see the way he was acting...Don't have to worry about gym for today. But I do actually try to play, its like if I'm not good at what were doing then I'm not going to kill myself try so hard...but wich soccer the problem I have is that I can't kick the ball straight it always a different place other than where I want it lol. And for my book report I did Renmants. It was o.k. it was strange, I'll leave it at that. Now I'm reading the Celtic Knot, the next book for my book project thingy. I've read it's not the best book in the world, but its easy enough that I can get away with it and the teacher won't say anything about it being "too easy" or anything. Also, were you on the team that got to go for school? Someone said that some team got to go. But whatever...hahahaha your in school now!! haha
Well I'm glad you updated, though I'm angry with you for never telling me you had a blog in the first place (lol, joking). I haven't been in school in a while but just ignore the Josh kid and make it known that you don't like him with out getting in trouble or being obvious. And failing pre-school seems like a stretch but I know what kind of people you're talking about lol!
Lime Green is pretty awesome, but I agree with Jordan purple's better lol(certain pinks rock too)!
With soccer, I've watched many games with my brother playing since he was like nine until he was 18, so I know a thing or two lol! Like Jordan said just run towards the ball and kick it towards the goal, if on offence. I prefer defence though, and if you're on defence just put your foot a little bit futher under the ball so when you kick it, it comes high off the ground, and just do that when it comes to you really hard. And if someone is coming towards you with the ball run towards them, try to get the ball away from them and if you can't the best thing to do is step on their feet! Hehehe!
Now I'm begining to forget what you wrote about the renaissense sounds cool, my mom wants to go.
Best wishes to you and Mr. Noods
Yeah I actually didn't get to play on tuesday because I stayed home...and on Friday we run the mile *rolls eyes* fun!!! so I dunnno how much longer I'll have to worry about soccer. I hate everyone in my class [well okay just about everyone, I don't mind Steph, Brandon or Jackson]...but everyone else I can't stand. But I do have people in homeroom I like. Oh and since I didn't have time to update because I made lindsay's xanga when I came home from school [ www.xanga/dancegrl54] I tell you in a min cuz I have to
Your fifth comment! From an anonymous friend.
Haha thanks :P
Ah yes, a big get well to mike's foot. lol
I couldn't leave Mike out lol