Marina - Daria? What about your goal?Daria - Um, I don't have any.Marina - Oh, come, Daria. You must have some goal.Daria - My goal is not to wake up at 40 with the bitter realization that I've wasted my life in a job I hate because I was forced to decide on a career in my teens.^^ totally agree, that's one of my favorites. Well your all probably wondering what actually did happen this week right? For thoes of you who just want the short version, your not going to get it. Yes, I know how hard it will be so hard to read the whole thing *rolls eyes* Well I guess the whole thing started in 9th peirod on Monday. Josh had been on me to tell him who I liked for a few days or so. And okay, Josh isn't the kind of person that I'm just going to hand that out to, but he knows everyone I like now...however he does. But anyway, he said he knew someone who liked me and that if I told him who I liked, he'd tell me who liked me. I said yes..I figured that if Jordan was good friends with him then it would be okay. So I'm sitting at my desk and he comes back...and he starts telling me who likes me "he's tall, in your class, curly hair..." At that moment I knew who he was talking about. Jackson. He liked me. I think at first I didn't belive him, then he asked if I liked him...sitting there still in shock I said yes. Josh gets all excited and says he's going to tell him. That gets me freaked...for some reason I didn't want him to tell him..not yet anyway. I told Josh to wait untill tomrrow, I don't think he really got why. Hell I didn't either, but that's the way it went. I didn't tell anyone that Jackson liked me. I went home, Jordan of course wasn't online. So I turn the sound on my speakers up loud and put my away message up. I remember it said something like: JORDAN IM ME LIKE 9798797987987 TIMES WHEN YOU GET ON!!...yeah I was more that a little freaked huh? I go upstairs and try to sleep untill I hear the little dig thingy that means Jordan (hopefully) IMed me. He gets on and I tell him everything. He says I should ask him out. I'm just about dead set against it, and Jordan knows. So he says I have to ask him out or he won't talk to me anymore. What a friend, huh? So I go to school the next day and I do ask Jackson out, he says yes, of course. Josh told me latter that day that he was going to ask me out anyway so I didn't really have a choice. I do like him, don't get me wrong. But I was so not ready for it. I sit with him at lumch that day, Lindsay wasn't a happy camper about that. But Casey didn't really care...well she never said anything to me about it lol.
Tuesday we went on a feild trip, art muesam. I missed the bus that morning, so mom had to drive me in. That morning I guess Lindsay found out that I was going out with Jack, then asked her if she would mind if I sat with him on the bus. She wasn't really happy about it but she let me. Untill about 9 or so everyone just sat around and talked. Alex had his mp3 player and we all kept trying to steel it so we could listen. Then it's time to leave, it's already set up who Lindsay would sit with. We go down to the loby, I meet up with Jack and we get on the bus. Our luck all of the good seats are taken. We end up sitting in the front, behinde Ethan. The ride up was great, I had a blast talking to Jack and Ethan. We get there, get split up into groups, then go on the tour. Okay, the art dosen't mean crap to me right now so I'm not going to take the time to explain that. Lunch rolls around soon enough. I find lindsay, I promised to sit with her after I wasn't going to on the bus. I got done eating quick, then ran off to find Jack. Lindsay got mad because I left her with Christne and Cat, wich I saw no problem with. But I found Jack, he was sitting with Ethan, Josh, Emily and a few other random people. I talked with him and everyone for awhile, then ran off to find Lindsay again. I found her then, Jack came. Jack, Lindsay and I walked around togther awhile.[okay Jack didn't really walk with us, he was chasing Bj for some reason I can't remember] Then we went on basically another tour after lunch, at the gift shop I met with with Josh, Ethan, Emily and Jack again. Then we all got on the bus to go back home. I sat with Jack again, Ethan was beside us. And I again had a blast.
I'm not really sure, what else there is to say about the week. Lindsay's getting better with Jack benig around, I haven't sat with him at lunch since tuesday, and that made her happy.
And Kendal, neo didn't have a dancing Ixi. These are the coolest Ixi's I could find:

<--I like Bruces better!!!
i like the ixi thingys better
IXIS FOREVER! Haha, well that was the short version of the week, because what you told me was soooooo much longer! lol!
Ps. 2 vs 1 ixis prevail! Mua Hahaha
Yeah that was the short version well not really that took me awhile to type, but yeah I could have went into a lot more detial lol.