Marianne - Helen? It's your daughter's teacher.
Helen - Tell them I'll make sure Quinn turns in the assignment on Monday. Oh, and try to find out what the assignment is, and if you could get started making notes on it.
Marianne - It's your other daughter, I think.
Helen - Daria? Well, then, tell them I'll talk to her about her attitude, and try to find out who she insulted and what she said.^^ who did she insult?Well Today was fine. In homeroom I talked to Lindsay, Chris and Josh. In Ancient Civ we watched some video...I nearly fell alsleep. It was borring. We didn't have a sub in reading again so we had to do our prensations, I already went on Thursday. science we had a quiz...then took notes. In tech. ed. I talked to Christine while she designed her shirt. Lunch I sat with Jack, Ethan, Emily and Josh. Had fun, Emily got all excited because she is no longer the only girl in the group! But the best part of the day was that we missed gym!!!!!!!! In 8th peirod we had to watch the really stupid Bullying much fun!*rolls eyes* Well it was better than gym, though we missed 9th peirod because of the stupid video and I had homework that I could have gotten done so I was mad about that, but it was WAY better than gym, so I'm happy enough.ButForNowThatIsThat.
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