War and Silent Ball
Published Thursday, November 10, 2005 by Maria | E-mail this post 
Mr. O'Neill - You know what they say, a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down.Jane - Not if you're diabetic.^^ True. Everythings been pretty normal. Didn't really talk to anyone in homeroom, I had to work on my LA homework. Ancient Civ we watched a video...pretty borring really. I didn't fall alsleep though so I guess that's always a good thing. Reading we just went over vocab. Wich reminds me I have to study. In Science went over homework..took notes. Art was..intresting. But I can't say I didn't learn anything, I figured out that I can't draw hats. Math was borring, we had a quiz that didn't make awhole lot of seanse to me. Lunch I sat with Jack, Ethan, Emily and Josh. Lunch was...intresting to say the least. Jack got Emily back from yesterday when she stole his candy, he got some kid (can't remember his name right now...Jack has too many friends lol) to steel her goldfish. It was so funny, they're at war now by the way. But anyway he gets the goldfish and Cole says "I'm your friend, can I have some"? then I go "I'm your girlfriend can I have some"? lol. It was funny, He ends up giving some to Cole and me so I'm happy. The rest of lunch was basically spent with Jack planing about how he's going to get Emily, without getting reserve table. After Lunch was LA, pretty borring. Chours was way more fun! lol. Mr. Hoover was apparently in a good mood today, something I don't think he's been in for awhile. We sang a few songs, then he let us play silent ball. one word: FUN. or FUNNY. Jack and Ethan were in the middle I was more or less on the side. Lindsay got me out..but I didn't really care about staying in. It was just alot of fun to watch other people do stupid things. lol. In 9th peirod I did homework, read and talked to Josh, Lindsay and a few other random people. One thing before I end this: EMILY YOUR GOING DOWN! JACK WILL WIN!!ButForNowThatIsThat.
Can you put the date on the entrys for i can know when this happen
Well that sounds interesting....lol