Helen - Honestly, Jake, sometimes I wonder if you know even the most rudimentary facts about our girls. How old is Quinn? Jake - Uh, eleven... ish? ^^ Try like 16...ish
Well on Friday Casey, Kendal and lindsay threw me a suprise party. And let me say, I was SUPRISED! lol. Very Suprised. Before my camera ran out of baterys I managed to get these pictures:
Isn't Kendal's room pretty? "Suprise!"
Well we watched tv and got online and talked to Jordan for awhile. Quite fun. But poor Jordan.
Then on Sunday Lindsay helped me do my book project....odd. It actually turned out okay. I think. Well the good thing is that it is DONE. D-O-N-E! DONE. That's all I'm really happy about.
I'm just about always online when I'm not in school. I'm into writing and reading. I don't update my blogger blog anymore so, this is probably pretty pointless.
Aww, My room is pretty!lol
Yes..but not as pretty as me! haha