Little Bit of Everything
Published Monday, January 16, 2006 by Maria | E-mail this post 
Doctor: Why don't you be Daria?
Quinn: Oh God, just throw me in front of a train, why don't you.
Doctor: Oh come on, it can't be that bad. Give it a try.
Quinn: I just did.
Doctor: Oh.
Daria: I am not suicidal.
Doctor: All right Daria. Now can you be Quinn?
Daria: Okay, now I'm suicidal.
Well I haven't updated for awhile..I guess I'll just start with Friday..
Homeroom talked to Josh I didn't feel well so I ended up being half pissed at him...First peirod I had my spanish exam, that I didn't even know about becasue I didn't have it last week because I was having my stupid braces put on..grr...and I'm not going to know my grade for Language untill we get our report cards..though I don't think I did that bad on French. But o well it's just one grade I really just don't care about it anymore. Reading uhh...what did we do? Oh right took our vocab test..that was fine. Science was like the best peirod out of the whole day! Mr. Tanner rules sometimes! Okay well anyway, on..tuesday we went around and tried to find out where the most bacteria would be in the school and whoever grew the most won basically. Mr. Tanner let us pick our own partner so I went with Jack and we like walked around for 15 mins untill we decied to do something...we did the cafertia floor and we ended up being the last ones back to class becasue we took the longest way possible back to class, I was really suprised that Mr. Tanner didn't yell at us, but he's cool like that. But anyway we grew the most bacteria! I remember going into class and jack was like "We Won!" and I was just like what? I totally frogot about it. But back to Firday, we we did a lab..actually me and Jack didn't get done...*coughistillhavetodoitcough*. uhh...after that was Art, so much fun, I had to rush to get my stupid cat picture thing done..and everyone said that my cat looked like a wolf. That just goes to show you how much of a good Artist I am. Uhh...after that was math...I actually can't really remember what we did o well it's not that important. Lunch I was going tgo sit with Josh,Jack, Emily, Jen and all them..but there wern't enough seats left at the table : ( so it was just me and Jack. In language Arts all we did stuff I think...after that was Ancient Civ. So borring...I wanted to fall alsleep so badly. Then 9th peirod..Josh read the physco teenager book so I just sorta did nothing...when we could talk to talked to Alex and lindsay and him. After Jack rode the bus home with me...everything went fine but like all the kids that usesd to ride our bus before they got put on 6 just had to pick that day to want to ride the bus so then that bus person guy got on and told them to get off and it took them FOREVER to get off..finally they did..I was just worried that someone would figure out that Jack didn't really belong on the bus..haha if anyone did they didn't say anything so that was all good..just scard me for a bit. Lindsay listened to my iPod on the way home..I talked to Jack, and lindsay had to sit with Mark haha. Well..then Jack met my mom and she took us to the mall....went fine..even better in a way than I thought it
Saturday all I did was online..did some mom cleaned the living room and I found all my old game boy games! So I've been playing them like non-stop. Then that night I was eating pizza and, my luck, the wire to my braces I told my mom and she just ripped it out. So then I had to go back today to get another one put in, I looked really weird with no wire and no color or anything lol.
Sunday I worked on my Least Wanted poster for Scinece a little bit..studied for my Ancient Civ, Science and LA tests. online..played my game boy..did some other stuff...
Today, Monday, I slept, watched Gilmore Girls, finished my poster *thank god*, and I still have to do my biography project *wonders why I had to put it off to the last min* and I still wanna study for Science again...hhmm..and I didn't do that lab either..*dies* yeah it'll get done, if I stop typing it will lol..
Lol! Well that sounds eventful sorta...I'm really tired right now for whatever reason...6 days until I come home!