To Sum It All Up...
Published Friday, January 06, 2006 by Maria | E-mail this post 
Quinn: I'm training to become a doctor so if daddy has another heart attack, I'll be here to save him.
Daria: Dr. Quinn, medicine moron.
CJSbucs1= Casey
Saphira0823= Me
Saphira0823 [10:24 PM]: hey dude what are you doin on so late?
CJSbucs1 [10:25 PM]: i can be on when i want. well, at least until i go to bed in about 1/2 an hour
Saphira0823 [10:25 PM]: ooo
CJSbucs1 [10:25 PM]: U GOT BRACES!!!!!!!
Saphira0823 [10:25 PM]: yeah
CJSbucs1 [10:25 PM]: it consists of me, lindsay, alicia, and now u
Saphira0823 [10:25 PM]: scare me
Saphira0823 [10:25 PM]: lol
CJSbucs1 [10:26 PM]: :-(
Saphira0823 [10:26 PM]: lol
Saphira0823 [10:26 PM]: :)
Saphira0823 [10:27 PM]: I didn't know I was supposed to get them on today or I would have told you..cuz my mom said I was only going to get x-rays and stuff...*yeah right*
CJSbucs1 [10:27 PM]: i dont think she wanted u to no.
Saphira0823 [10:28 PM]: yeah I dunno
CJSbucs1 [10:28 PM]: do hey hurt?
CJSbucs1 [10:28 PM]: they*
Saphira0823 [10:28 PM]: sorta
CJSbucs1 [10:28 PM]: yet
CJSbucs1 [10:28 PM]: theyre gonna hurt more when u try to eat in the comming days
Saphira0823 [10:30 PM]: yeah at lunch I ate like nothing A) because I ate at home and B) because they hurt and Jackson went on about how none of the girls in this school eat anything and I sware I could have killed him he gets so fuckin anoying when he goes on his rant about that is' like I've herd it once already I get your point I don't need to hear it again!!!
CJSbucs1 [10:31 PM]: well, u had an excuse today. youre mouth hurt. and when i went up to u in the hall and learned u got braces, he gave me a weird look
Saphira0823 [10:34 PM]: yeah I know lol I don't think he totally got what you were talking about because I think you said something like join the club or something...and the other day I was sorta talking to Lindsay when I was going to say good bye to him and I called her Mrs. Walker Texas Ranger and we started laughing and then she said there was going to be chicken at the weeding and alll this stuff lol it was so funny and Jack's just looking at me like what? and I told him never to talk to me on aim when I'm at a sleepover
Saphira0823 [10:34 PM]: or he may need thearpy...Just ask Jordy wordy, right?
CJSbucs1 [10:35 PM]: please dont say that name... u no i hate jordan
Saphira0823 [10:35 PM]: lol
Saphira0823 [10:35 PM]: okay
Saphira0823 [10:35 PM]: Casey wasey
Saphira0823 [10:35 PM]: lol
CJSbucs1 [10:35 PM]: thats ok. just dont talk about jordan
Saphira0823 [10:35 PM]: okay
Saphira0823 [10:36 PM]: I think we have too many inside jokes don't you?
CJSbucs1 [10:37 PM]: yeah, but thats what makes the sllepovers fun. and we can freak people out when we talk about them around other people
Saphira0823 [10:37 PM]: very true..and it's not like me and Jack don't have a few of our own
CJSbucs1 [10:38 PM]: yeah, so its ok
Saphira0823 [10:38 PM]: lol
CJSbucs1 [10:39 PM]: o, apparently from what susan said, the sub i had for math, was gay. he looked nerdy, but he did look a little "queer"
Saphira0823 [10:40 PM]: hmm...this is quite intresting..I had a sub for math today too and just wondering, have you ever herd a teacher say "whatever"?
CJSbucs1 [10:40 PM]: in what kind of voice? did he say it like a girl would say, or just straight out?
Saphira0823 [10:41 PM]: straight out
CJSbucs1 [10:41 PM]: well, thats not too bad.
Saphira0823 [10:41 PM]: lol
CJSbucs1 [10:42 PM]: mr volz mock says it, in a girly sorta way. its funny
Saphira0823 [10:42 PM]: lol well the sub said it today and I was like what? cuz I've like never herd a teacher say that before
CJSbucs1 [10:43 PM]: lol. i haver
CJSbucs1 [10:43 PM]: have*
Saphira0823 [10:43 PM]: yeah I was just weird
Saphira0823 [10:43 PM]: lol
CJSbucs1 [10:43 PM]: lol
Saphira0823 [10:43 PM]: and we watched a video in math about "why you study math" it was really lame lol
CJSbucs1 [10:44 PM]: it osunds lame
CJSbucs1 [10:44 PM]: sounds*
Saphira0823 [10:44 PM]: yeah it was
CJSbucs1 [10:44 PM]: i dont even see the point in that
Saphira0823 [10:45 PM]: yeah well it was funny you know how to play double this double that? welll Jack and Josh started doing tripple and Jack got all messed up and I was like Jack that's why we study math lol
CJSbucs1 [10:45 PM]: lol
Saphira0823 [10:46 PM]: see there is a reason
Saphira0823 [10:46 PM]: hidden
Saphira0823 [10:46 PM]: somewhere
Saphira0823 [10:46 PM]: lol
CJSbucs1 [10:46 PM]: yeah...somewhere...
CJSbucs1 [10:46 PM]: its just really hard to find
Saphira0823 [10:47 PM]: exactly I had to look long and hard for that meaning...I deserve some candy for that, don't you think?
CJSbucs1 [10:47 PM]: yes u do. not that u could really eat it though
Saphira0823 [10:47 PM]: that dosen't matter
Saphira0823 [10:48 PM]: save it for latter
CJSbucs1 [10:48 PM]: then it would get all icky
Saphira0823 [10:49 PM]: well I still deserve candy...that's all that matters
CJSbucs1 [10:49 PM]: yeah
Saphira0823 [10:49 PM]: all that matters is the candy, right?
CJSbucs1 [10:49 PM]: yes. GO CANDY! lol
Saphira0823 [10:50 PM]: GO CANDY
CJSbucs1 [10:50 PM]: lol
Saphira0823 [10:50 PM]: now I want candy
CJSbucs1 [10:50 PM]: i no, i do too
Saphira0823 [10:51 PM]: yeah but I deserve it
Saphira0823 [10:52 PM]: you dont'
Saphira0823 [10:52 PM]: *don
Saphira0823 [10:52 PM]: ***don't
CJSbucs1 [10:52 PM]: and i deserved it when i was the first person to turn in my orchastra permisson slip
Saphira0823 [10:53 PM]: yeah but I found the real meaning of why we study math...I think that's a bit more important
CJSbucs1 [10:53 PM]: no its not!
Saphira0823 [10:53 PM]: yeah it is dude
CJSbucs1 [10:54 PM]: what is it with u and calling me dude?
Saphira0823 [10:54 PM]: I dunno..
CJSbucs1 [10:54 PM]: lol
Saphira0823 [10:54 PM]: well I don;t
Saphira0823 [10:54 PM]: *don't
CJSbucs1 [10:55 PM]: ok. its just that it sounds like something susan would say to me
Saphira0823 [10:55 PM]: hmm...well the last time I checked I was susan...but yeah
CJSbucs1 [10:55 PM]: u mean wasnt
Saphira0823 [10:55 PM]: o right..right...
CJSbucs1 [10:56 PM]: k, just making sure u didnt think u were susan. that would be scary
Saphira0823 [10:56 PM]: lol
Saphira0823 [10:56 PM]: well if I was susan then who would susan be?
CJSbucs1 [10:56 PM]: u
Saphira0823 [10:56 PM]: hmm...that's intresting
CJSbucs1 [10:57 PM]: yes, it would be
Saphira0823 [10:57 PM]: hmm..*thinks about what it would be like*
CJSbucs1 [10:57 PM]: lol
CJSbucs1 [10:57 PM]: o, i can get to your blog again, but nowi cant getto lindsays
Saphira0823 [10:58 PM]: dude that sucks
CJSbucs1 [10:58 PM]: STOP CALLING ME DUDE!!!!!!
Saphira0823 [10:58 PM]: why?
CJSbucs1 [10:58 PM]: IM NOT A DUDE!!!!!!!
Saphira0823 [10:58 PM]: too bad
Saphira0823 [11:00 PM]: so..what are you doing now?
CJSbucs1 [11:01 PM]: playng popit
Saphira0823 [11:01 PM]: oo
Saphira0823 [11:01 PM]: I was wondering why you stopped talking to me :(
CJSbucs1 [11:01 PM]: cuz u called me a dude!
Saphira0823 [11:01 PM]: Casey...get over it
CJSbucs1 [11:02 PM]: i will...when u stop calling me that
Saphira0823 [11:02 PM]: okay..I will
Saphira0823 [11:02 PM]: then
Saphira0823 [11:02 PM]: if you feel that way
CJSbucs1 [11:02 PM]: thank you
CJSbucs1 [11:02 PM]: i do
Saphira0823 [11:02 PM]: lol
CJSbucs1 [11:04 PM]: so whats up?
Saphira0823 [11:04 PM]: nm...on neopets and taking a harry potter quiz
CJSbucs1 [11:04 PM]: what r some of the questions?
Saphira0823 [11:05 PM]: "You don't want to bottle up your anger like that, Harry. There might be a couple people 50 miles away who didn't hear you." Ron Hermione Fred Sirius
Saphira0823 [11:05 PM]: ron and the others are the ones you have to choose from
Saphira0823 [11:05 PM]: ther
Saphira0823 [11:05 PM]: e
CJSbucs1 [11:05 PM]: i dont get it
Saphira0823 [11:06 PM]: you have to match up the quote with who said it
CJSbucs1 [11:06 PM]: ooo, ok
Saphira0823 [11:06 PM]: get it now?
CJSbucs1 [11:06 PM]: i think its hermione
CJSbucs1 [11:06 PM]: yeah
Saphira0823 [11:06 PM]: nope
Saphira0823 [11:06 PM]: Fred
CJSbucs1 [11:06 PM]: grrrrr
Saphira0823 [11:07 PM]: haha
CJSbucs1 [11:07 PM]: ok, so im not up to snuff on my HP quptes
CJSbucs1 [11:07 PM]: quotes*
Saphira0823 [11:07 PM]: well I am
Saphira0823 [11:07 PM]: lol
CJSbucs1 [11:07 PM]: well, grrr you
Saphira0823 [11:07 PM]: haha then..I deserve candy for that
CJSbucs1 [11:08 PM]: srry, i g2g to bd
CJSbucs1 [11:08 PM]: ttyl
Saphira0823 [11:08 PM]: awww
Saphira0823 [11:08 PM]: okay
Saphira0823 [11:08 PM]: bye
CJSbucs1 [11:08 PM]: bye
Saphira0823 [11:08 PM]: bye
CJSbucs1 signed off at 11:09 PM
Haha, tell Lins I want steak at the know considering I set them up and all! lol