Jackson didn't do all of his homework...but he still got a 5/5?
Published Tuesday, January 24, 2006 by Maria | E-mail this post 
Tiffany - You're that girl from Quinn's house.
Daria - Are you getting counseling, too?
Tiffany - (trance-like) I'm the counselor. It's volunteer work... to help the socially... challenged.
Daria - You're going to counsel me? Of course. It's some kind of cosmic payback for being too ironic. Okay. Is this going to take long?
Tiffany - (begins reading very slowly) "You... too... can learn to... make..."
Daria - Yes?
Tiffany - "... friends. Making... friends..."
Daria - Why don't I read that to myself? That way, we can both be out of here before we graduate.
Tiffany - "Making friends... is..."
Daria - (taps foot impatiently) Fun? Interesting? Impossible?
Tiffany - "... important. Friends can be... very..."
(clock ticks from 3:00 to 3:01)
Daria - Useful? Supportive? Purple? What?!
Tiffany - You made me lose my place. (grunts softly in frustration) Let's see... "Making friends... is... important..."Well homeroom I felt like crap...but sort of talked to Josh and Chris...well not really because I was more or less just like laying my head on Josh's desk and complaing that they were talking to loud and I wanted to sleep. Before Ancient civ I talked to Jack and we got back homework, Jack got a 5/5 even though he didn't finish it and I'm still wondering how Mr. Thompson missed that..lucky. The rest of class was borring, as always. Reading just worked on some stuff...Science Jack's group did their presentation Megan, Josh, and a few other people I don't remember kept complaing through the whole entire thing that they went too fast..yeah well your too anoying. Computer was borring..had to work on some stupid paper thing..then ultra key. Math had a test...Lunch was cool and for once everyone got to sit togther. Emily lost her voice so noone paid attention to her..well untill she started hitting Jackson on the hand with a pencil lol, we're so mean to him sometimes. Then Kyle came over and tagged Jack and then he tried to get him but ran back to our table...then he grabs the chair and uses it to try and like poke him..and I can't say it didn't work, Kyle did run away.I I sware he's going to end up in ISS one day..lol. Language arts was..horrifying in soo many ways. We had to get into groups...and wel guess what I was with my all time favorite people in the whole wide world...Megan and Nicole..I wanted to die. We didn't get a fuckin thing done, Oh yeah except what I actually did write down. I hate group things all of them suck. But anyway...gym was cool enough I guess. we're doing bowling, I went with Ashley (not to be confused with Assley) and..and..I can't remember, talk about short term memory loss lol. Uhh..anyway, 9th period I was going to read but then Josh asked me if I had my Ancient Civ homework and I didn't but then I asked Chris, because he carries around everything all day so I figured he'd have it..uhh..somewhere. So finally he found it and I gave it to Josh...then I read...and when we were allowed to talk I talked to Josh and Alex. After 9th period I found Jack and he was chasing kyle, another gameof extremem hallway tag or rather the same game they've been playing forever or at least as long as I can remember. So anyway Jack half runs into me and so then he tells me to run...and I run. We run right outside trying to get away from kyle..and in the end Jack didn't even win! But on an even more important note I can pick Jackson up and he can pick me up alot more than I can pick him up..But I stil win.