The Legend of the Belt?
Published Friday, January 20, 2006 by Maria | E-mail this post 
Helen - "Your lack of interest in personal interaction makes you an ideal candidate for working with the dead."
Daria, have you given any thought to your career plans?
Daria - I guess I'll just wait around for people to kick the bucket.
Helen - I can't believe you're not more ambitious.
Daria - You want me to kill people to drum up business?
Well today was okay. Homeroom talked to uhh..Josh and Lindsay, closed Nick's locker twice and so then he got really pissed and closed mine for the rest of the day. Homeroom we changed seats, I sit next to Alex and Lindsay wich is cool. Poor Josh sits in the corner all alone lol. Ancient Civ we changed seats also..:(. Jack sits in the first row next to shayne and nicole..I feel pitty him very much. Well I have to sit near I'm not sure if could get any better for each of us. That class has gotten so borring I just wanna fall asleep, I'm not srue how Jack's going to make it in the front row lol, at least I'm in the back so he won't notice if I start to nod off. Reading..we got back our book projects and then she went on and on about how we weren't going to have as many grades for the 3rd marking period and how it would be so much harder..Mrs. Scortion os very anoying for that reason...then she went on and on about how we had to do our homework and blah, blah, blah! Science we just worked on our projects..borring. And shaybe has my screan name, thanks to bullmonkey..grrrrrrr!, wich just makes me so happy. At the end I started throwing bits of paper at Jack and we had a bit of a war with them for like the last 5 mins of class, good times, good times. Then it was music..borring for the most part. Math uhh..we just went over notes and more homework wich is just what I need. Lunch I sat with Jack, Emily, Josh..and other people I can't remember, had fun and Josh paid me for listeing to his jokes when everyone else wouldn't listen to him. Fun. After was Language Arts..borring. Then Chours and Jack is wearing a belt so maybe a new Legend will be started who knows? Chours was fun for the most part but my throat hurt so by the end of class it really hurt. Then 9th period...worked on Ancient Civ homework and talked to Josh at the end..
Exactly what I thought...apparently Alex had something to do with it..I think..