Desperate Chippys
Published Thursday, February 02, 2006 by Maria | E-mail this post 
Mr. O'Neill - Right here and now, let's pledge to make Daria's dream a reality. Daria - You mean the one where people walking down the street burst into flames?
Well today was cool. In the cafertia this morning another stupid, anoying chippy asked me out. Jack's alredy yelled at them once, Casey's given them the finger, I've resorted to pushing any of them that even as much as utter a word to me, I don't know what else I have to say to them to get them to leave me the hell alone. Besides I already have the greatest boyfriend in the world..and why would I want to cheat on him? Especially with a really ugly chippy. Homeroom I talked to Alex, Josh and Lindsay. Ancient Civ was stupid. We have a test tomrrow so we did a review game that basically coverd the three things that are going to be on the test Screaming, Laughing, and megan being very anoying. The game was stupid becasue we got like zero done. Reading was quite borring for the most part, got put into groups and did something stupid that I can't really rememebr. Science we worked on our lab and our notes. We got time to work on our lab first me and Taylor were already done so I worked on my notes...*coughtalkedtojackthewholetimecough*. The we got to change seats becasue we're starting a new unit, and *drum roll* I sit nex to Jack, w00t. Too bad it's only for a week :(, stupid mini unit!!lol. Music was cool for the most part we wached a video and we didn't have to drum! (thank god)..but theres always tomrrow. Math was okay for the most our test back and got homeowrk..grr. Lunch sat with Jack, Sam, Josh, Emily...there were other people..I just can't really remember who they were..*memory loss*. Anway I think my buddy profile just about sums lunch up:
Me: Ouch!
Jackson: What's wrong?
Me: I burnt my lip
Jackson: How do you burn your lip on a slushie!?
*everyone at the table laughs*
Me: I burnt it last I already told you
^ and that's why I love him...
Anyway, Lunch was cool. After we had Language Arts..that was okay for the most part. Then it was gym, last day of bowling, fun. After Jack didn't wait for me...well allmost. He was just about to start walking up the stairs and then me and Emily ran after him. Then we waited for Josh and Mr. Miller yelled at us because we were just standing there..*rolls eyes* we waited for Josh anyway...Then we took the cool but long way back to homeroom. 9th peirod me and josh wrote notes to eachother beacause we wern't allowed to talk at 2:52. Worked on my science homework...and that was it.
You seriously need to take a disposable camera to school and let me see these ugly chippys and of course your love of 7th grade!
jackson the chippy lord has done ot again. go jackson!!!!!!"he runs, he flies, he MOONS!!1 hes JACKSON THE CHIPPYLORD!!