I Have Supper Memory
Published Wednesday, February 15, 2006 by Maria | E-mail this post 
Helen - Science is fascinating. Tell me all about it, honey.
Daria - I can't. I signed a confidentiality paper. The other scientists would be mad.
Helen - (groans) Oh, forget it, Daria. Quinn, how was your day?
Quinn - It sucked. First my teacher gave my paper on Cleopatra's makeup don'ts an "F" -- like he would know. Then my heel broke. Then, like, the day was almost over and only two guys had asked me out. Luckily, just before...
Helen - Daria, please tell me about the project
Well today was pretty cool. I was going to go to breakfast with Josh and Jack and Jen and everyone but I didn't do my science homework and I didn't know how long it was going to take so I just stayed in homeroom. Actually Josh stayed with me because he still had to finish up part of his book project, so I talked to him and miriah. Well Ancient Civ was boring for the most part, Mr. Thompson lost his voice so he had to get someone to be "teacher", it ended up being Shane and Nicole, wonderful. After was reading, we shared our book projects *fun*, and since Jackson didn't have a book for our next project, he's on homeroom detention. Then it was science that was..okay. We did a lab and then Mr. Tanner got all mad, mainly because of Josh. Music was boring and really anoying. Instead of just doing the take, pass, take pass, take pass, take pass thing now we're doing take shake pass, take shake pass, take shake pass, and she put me next to four who has to be a total jerk about it and make me drop just about all of the eggs. In math all we did was take notes and work on stuff, got homework too, but hey it's not due till next Tuesday so I'm not going to worry about it. Lunch I sat with Jack and Josh mainly. Had fun, though we kind of ditched Emily when she went to wait for Lance..o well. umm..Study hall was boring..I read sorta. Then it was Language Arts...that was okay, we finished our portfolios and then we worked on a hinky pinky worksheet thing..that was pretty boring too though, we could work with other people so I went with Jack and he figured like every single one out basically while I just sat there...o well. Then he opened up his folder and all the strips of blue paper were still in there from last week and I asked why and he said he couldn't remember where his paper pig was (he was going to make a lot of them..) and so I told him that it was in that book he let me borrow last week and so he got all happy lol. And then I was like I can't do any of those *points to worksheet* but I can remember where the pig is. And then Jack goes yeah you have Supper Memory! lol. So much for altimers (sp?) lol. 9th period was boring for the most part, wrote a note to Josh...and then we couldn't talk at 2:52, never did figure out why..but whatever...
Hmmm, Not so sure about that super mem, but okay. sounds amusing enough....
i hate social studies and i hate how the changed it i cant even spell it right