Farewell For Awhile...

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Jodie - Thanks for the ride. My parents will meet us up there after the new members' brunch at their club. My father's been on the waiting list for three years.
Daria - Remember, no matter what happens on this ride you've already waived your right to sue me for confining you with lunatics.
^ Sort of what I'm stuck with..but worse
Well okay, hear it goes. I'm most likely going to disspear from your buddy list for most of this weekend..if youi really, really, really, really, wanna know..ask. I won't tell you. But if you feel bad for me, being deprived of internet for most likely an entire weekend, plus a day, you can use that thing called the phone to call my cell(858-1519)..yes it will be on..unlike other things at my house my cell will be on. And if anyone see's Jackson (ChippyLord) online, beg and plead him to call his girlfriend, or you will die by fire and chipmunks. I don't think I have much else to say...oh yeah but on a much cooler note the guy who created Ren and Stimpy, yeah that guy, has a blog, take a look, I'll add him to my "Friends" place..maybe I should change the name to "links" hmm...well anyway I'll go before I rant too much.
...hopefully I post again...

1 Responses to “Farewell For Awhile...”

  1. Blogger Kendal 

    OMG kid we have sooooooo much to catch up on!!!!

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  • I'm Maria
  • From York, Pennslyvania, United States
  • I'm just about always online when I'm not in school. I'm into writing and reading. I don't update my blogger blog anymore so, this is probably pretty pointless.
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