"I love you through Sparks and shining Dragons, I do"
Published Friday, June 16, 2006 by Maria | E-mail this post 
Uhg. I think James leaves for Mississippi tomrrow..or sunday. I can't remember..wish I would have saved that convo. Oh well. Had weird dreams last night..something about my cell phone..and..I dunno..something weird about elm school too and I think a library was invovoled too. Anyway, woke up this morning around 9ish..got online..looked at email and such did the dailys. Got dressed while the computer unexpecitdly startred playing Fall Out Boy..hm..not that I minded lol. Watched part of Fahrenheit 9/11 on the computer while I talked to...hmm..Casey (bullmonkey) and..hmm..someone else I think...can't member who though. Anyway...went to walmart to get soda...fathers day gift and other things. I wanted sharpies, pens and chalk. I looked for ugly clothes while I was there..but ahh..didn't find anything. Didn't get sharpies because they were all out of the 'fine tip' kind..I need them because I was thinkin about starting back on my backpack..maybe if I work on it all summer I'll get it done by the time school starts..that would be cool. Umm..didn't get any chalk either..apparently all they have now is 'sidewalk chalk' which is like humngo. Never work for the chalkboard. But yeah I did get pens..didn't exactly have to have them though..I need chalk and sharpies..oh well..tomrrow perhaps I can convince someone to go out. Hmm..got home..ate cereal and watched Judging Amy untill like 1 something..then had to go help take noodles to the vet. That was uneventful, as usual...except for all of the meowing that went on. Miriah called me while I was there. We mite go back to the championship to see Raise up Roof Beam in July, that'd be cool I'd like to. Hmm..after that got home..got online..fooled around..Jen's gonig to CA and I told her if she ended up in any weird countrys, since shes flying by herself, to get me a postcard. And also to find out who my xanga stalker is..yes I'm talking to you, the person from CA who keeps looking at my site 10 times a day. Umm..hmm..after talking to Jen I got hungry and ate a poptart which made me sick..I'm never eating another poptart as long as I live. Hmm...now..I'm bored..uhg. I hope James gets online..he better before he leaves. Oh well..untilll I get chalk I have nothing to do oh well. I should go read. But..I won't.
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