The One Thing We've Got is Enough To Save Us All...
Published Friday, May 26, 2006 by Maria | E-mail this post 
Jane - I'm telling you, puppets make anything funny. Give me something that isn't funny."
Daria - Um... a plane crash -- into a nuclear power plant.
Jane - Okay. Now, picture the same plane crash, only the cabin is full of screaming puppets flailing their skinny little puppet arms. Funny, right?Well...I'm not really sure what's been going on lately..everything's sort of seemed like it was on fast forward or something for the longest time. But yeah...anyway. Homeroom this morning was cool I suppose. I organized my poetry folder for Mrs. Scortion. I miss my poetry folder. Talked to Miriah and Josh and Lindsay and all of them. Usual I suppose. First period we had the guidence come in and do that retarted career thing with us. Uhg. I'm sick of hearing about careers and crap like that. Then Mr. Thompson gave us some worksheet to work on..but I was way too sleepy to do any of it so I just sat their with my head down. SEcond period we went out and picked a line from our "I am.." or "I come from..." poems and we wrote it on the sidewalk with chalk. That was pretty cool, if I do say so myself. Third was science. I did a lab with Wren, that was pretty cool I finished. But didn't really bother to do my homework yet. But hey I've got till'll probably end up doing it in homeroom but whatever. Umm...hmm..after that was FACS..that was cool I suppose..though borring's more like it. Miriah looked like she was sleeping the entire time though..but hey what's worng with taking a lil' nap? I ended up forgeting my homwork in Mr. Thompsons room so I had to run all the way back up to get it. Funny enough though all the women were standing outside his room talking. Gotta love Female teacher gossip, huh? Anyway, when I was going back down on the steps I ended up going all the way down to where the locker rooms are and then I was like wait..I went to far lol. You can tell that A) I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and B) that I was tired. Wow. Anyway, ninth period got my soda it was warm though. Wrote a note to Miriah and then talked to Josh and her. That was cool, I'm glad Mr. Thompson let us talk. That was pretty cool if I do say so myself. Though I think he's getting a bit anoyed about us. But hey there's only like a week of school left anyway. And as of now I'm still extremely tired. ButForNowThatIsthat.
At least you didn't have to clean for your stupid sister's graduation party, that is taking money away from you NYC trip in August. SO NO COMPLAINING lol