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Quinn: "Please? You're the only person I can trust to do this! I can tell by your eyes..."
Ronny: "Really?"
Quinn: "Yeah! They're so... sincere!"
Ronny: "Well..."
Quinn: "And your face, it's very... honest! You're so nice, and dependable, and-"
Ronny: "Nice? Sincere? You're never gonna go out with me, are you?" Quinn: "No."

Well yesterday Kendal came over, made our shirts and all that good stuff. That was umm..qutie intresting, I think? hehe, well at least they turned out okay..uh right kendal?. Anyway, I just found out that theres going to be a Leaky-Mug podcast at twelve on the second of aug. at like 12:00 and I'm like cool because we can go and that's like really cool. Even though I've never listened to either but hey Emersons going to bet there and so is Andrew, Ben and all of those cool people I sort of know. So yeah it'll be cool. But yeah other than that I like really want something to eat because I'm really hungry and I want to read HPOTP and I luv Halloween too. Plus, uh, clean my room? yeah. maybe. That ones just a maybe. Hm. Hm. I really do need something to eat.


2 Responses to “”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    I WANT TO GO TO NYC!!!!!!!!! i luved being there!! wish i was going. take pics for me plez!

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Lol shirts were um...interesting.

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  • From York, Pennslyvania, United States
  • I'm just about always online when I'm not in school. I'm into writing and reading. I don't update my blogger blog anymore so, this is probably pretty pointless.
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