"Don't you dare tell your friends I'm a bad guy when you worte that tank top so I wouldn't look in your eyes"
Published Saturday, September 16, 2006 by Maria | E-mail this post 
whoa...long time..er..well sort of.Anyway,I was sick this week :(. Like I feel horrible sick. Like...all I want to do is sleep sick :(. Not looking forward to Monday with makeup work gah...stupid school "you have to be absent 3 days to get work" wtf I was absent 3 days!.....just not at the same time but who cares about that little minor detail, right? I just don't feel liek going back and having double everything again. Not fun. When I missed a day I came back to find I had missed a math assignment so that meant I had double math homework. Also found out we had to write a speach about ourselves..wtf? A speach? Can't we just write about what we did over our summer vacation?? I'd like that a lot more....considoring I'd finally have something to talk about lol :D.So..then I had to answer all these questoins about myself and start taking notes I also had to read two worksheets in history and answer a bunch of questions and I had a science vocab quiz that I never got a chance to study for :(. And I didn't even get all of it done! Though, just by my sheer luck I had a study hall first period so I could get some stuff done. And this is an added bonus it was a sudy hall where I got a desk! Yes, I have a study hall where I don't get a desk in the audiotrim I get no desk because there are around 100+ (or- I'm guessing here) kids in that study hall. I mean seriously, that many kids in a study hall? I'd really rather we just got out eariler (most of the time) instead of having 9th period and study hall.^ that's my rant for this post..now onto other new fun things :P.First of all:YouTube has Daria on it! I am thrilled now that I have an actual internet connection I can actaully watch it. I was watching it all last night :).Second: The Eragon trailers up on Shurtugal. I think I like it for the most part, it seems good. I suppose I won't be able to say for sure yet if they've stayed true to the book at all since it's only the trailer, but I think I'm going to like it.Third: Still being Eragon related is big huge pictures of Saphira: Okay...Saphira being my favorite character next to Solemburn and Anlgela I'm not sure I like her that much..I mean you can't really see anything but I think she needs to look more blue she just sorta looks like gray or something I mean maybe it's jsut the color of the pic or whatever but I think she needs to look bluer...Fourth: JKR updated her site about NYC, which is really cool. Kendal even woke me up to tell me this lol. So it must be cool!!! And yes it is because now I have suscom or comcast or whatever they're calling it now so I can acutally look at it and find the really cool hiden stuff like the pics of dobby and all that other cool stuff.....anyway...I have loads to do..like all that homework I never finished because I didn't feel good that night...and didn't go to school the next day to do it in study hall...
I do realize that I do need a new header....
I'm working on it, really. I am. I have photoshop now..
just don't ask me how to use it
Double works sucks. I didn't finish school either yesterday, the site when down.