Track Nine and Ten, Oh my!

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hello again I suppose..
I don't think it's been THAT long since I last posted,
I'm getting better at this I think.

School this week was sorta borring.
I had a lot to catch up on though and Chris missed three days so I had no one to talk to before class or after or anything. But..oh well. Actually..friday Mrs. Lyter gave us time first period to work on our projects with our partners Chirs is my partner and he wasn't there so I didn't really have anything to do so I got on one of the computers and played on neopets and got on mugglenet to look at the news all period. One of the kids who was sitting behind me I think his name was David, he was like "Maria! what are you doing, you're going to get into trouble!" I just looked at him and said "No, I'm not". I'm not retarted I know what I'm doing, thank you very much. I wish I would have been able to get onto more sites like to look at my mail and shurtugal and blogger becuase then I could have updated and other stuff..but oh well. The period wasn't totally wasted I suppose, I had fun so that's all that matters. I've been messing around in Photoshop an awful lot the pass few days..meaning last night and this afternoon lol. I made a new sort of. If anyone can help me out with the size of it I'd really appericate it considoring my photoshop skills are a big fat 0. Anyways here's what I've made:


Kendal took that pic of me on the train ride up to NYC. I look k so colorful :P.

not an iPod

This is like my all time favorite pic right now, besides the one I took of Justin at a Beams concert like in July or something...
This is part of the above picture just cropped and done up differently than the last one :P. Ooo
and just to clear something up. That isn't my iPod, it's kendal's MP3 player not an iPOD! jeez
get it right people!

Pinkish Me

You guys know I'm not a big humngo fan of Pink. But I think it looks awesome! O.o and Lindsay took this pic of me on the last day of school (whoot!)

I still have a load of homework
I haven't started like anything today I've been on the computer since 11
no wonder I'm so happy :D

2 Responses to “Track Nine and Ten, Oh my!”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Your pics look fab. I still haven't gotten my nyc pics up :-P I really have to do that lol. I still think the track 9-10 thing was funny! LONG LIVE JK!

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    my pics rule over your pics

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  • I'm Maria
  • From York, Pennslyvania, United States
  • I'm just about always online when I'm not in school. I'm into writing and reading. I don't update my blogger blog anymore so, this is probably pretty pointless.
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