Quinn: "Please? You're the only person I can trust to do this! I can tell by your eyes..."
Ronny: "Really?"
Quinn: "Yeah! They're so... sincere!"
Ronny: "Well..."
Quinn: "And your face, it's very... honest! You're so nice, and dependable, and-"
Ronny: "Nice? Sincere? You're never gonna go out with me, are you?" Quinn: "No."

Well yesterday Kendal came over, made our shirts and all that good stuff. That was umm..qutie intresting, I think? hehe, well at least they turned out okay..uh right kendal?. Anyway, I just found out that theres going to be a Leaky-Mug podcast at twelve on the second of aug. at like 12:00 and I'm like cool because we can go and that's like really cool. Even though I've never listened to either but hey Emersons going to bet there and so is Andrew, Ben and all of those cool people I sort of know. So yeah it'll be cool. But yeah other than that I like really want something to eat because I'm really hungry and I want to read HPOTP and I luv Halloween too. Plus, uh, clean my room? yeah. maybe. That ones just a maybe. Hm. Hm. I really do need something to eat.




Brittany - Even though I'm more popular, we do have some things in common.
Daria - Breathing?

I'm sorta bored..so I figured I'd post some pics. And good news, no more aol, or hellol as I like to call it. And other good news, blogger actually loaded, maybe now I'll actually use this to blog with. Suprise.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Well the first set of pictures is Raise Up Roof Beams
The next picture is Koji on the Roof I guess I was bored. That and I haven't and haven't updated for awhile. Anyway, Kendal's comming over tomrrow so we can talk about New York and make our extremely cool Harry Potter T-shirts, I've started reading OTP again last night, already 125 pages into it too lol. Cool Book though, and now I'm printing out Raise Up Roof Beams pictures, which is even cooler, hehe I see Justins head on comming out of the printer. Hm.







Long Time, no blog


Whoa...I feel like I havne't blogged on here in ages...actually that is true. It has been ages.

Nothing much has happaned though. It's pretty much just been same old, same old. I've been staying up till about 2 online so I rarely wake up before 11:30. I usually get up, get online then watch Judging Amy and eat ceral..then get online or watch tv or something..watch a movie..do chores or something. Like I said..been pretty boring...but..I like it that way. *yawns* I'm tired. I should go back to sleep....if I could get to sleep lol. hmm..James got back, I've talked to him..ummm..Josh's been back up around. Went to the mall with him and Miriah, that was cool. I miss him shoudl do something with him before he leaves to go back :(. Oh well...hopefully he'll be back up in Aug. before school starts or something..that would be cool :). Hmm..what else happaned since..hm..can't think of anything except that I mite make a new banner. I found the right size so maybe this time it'll actually look right. I'm not really sure what to do though. Hmm..I'm thinkin Raise Up Roof Beams...though I know in like a week I'm gong to get sick of it lol..umm..hmm..oh well. I'll think of something then.


About me

  • I'm Maria
  • From York, Pennslyvania, United States
  • I'm just about always online when I'm not in school. I'm into writing and reading. I don't update my blogger blog anymore so, this is probably pretty pointless.
  • My profile

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