Published Friday, July 21, 2006 by Maria. 
Brittany - Even though I'm more popular, we do have some things in common.
Daria - Breathing?I'm sorta bored..so I figured I'd post some pics. And good news, no more aol, or hellol as I like to call it. And other good news, blogger actually loaded, maybe now I'll actually use this to blog with. Suprise.

Well the first set of pictures is Raise Up Roof BeamsThe next picture is Koji on the Roof I guess I was bored. That and I haven't and haven't updated for awhile. Anyway, Kendal's comming over tomrrow so we can talk about New York and make our extremely cool Harry Potter T-shirts, I've started reading OTP again last night, already 125 pages into it too lol. Cool Book though, and now I'm printing out Raise Up Roof Beams pictures, which is even cooler, hehe I see Justins head on comming out of the printer. Hm.