Published Saturday, April 15, 2006 by Maria. 
Thank God! Anyone who likes him has some serious problems. Anyone with me on that last one?
Jane: A date for a bumper sticker?
Jodie: Even Upchuck doesn't deserve this much humiliation.
Daria: Think how the bumper sticker must feel.
Wow okay so it's been awhile since I last posted. I really do need to post more sometimes, huh? Well..since I got out of school I haven't been doing a whole lot. I've been doing all of my voulntear work at the library which isn't that bad I suppose..but I've got to go back Monday and it's gunna be so friggin borring because she dosen't have anything else for me to do so it's basically like I do stupid things like I have to go through all the non-fiction books and make sure they're in the right order and stuff like that..oh well..at least I'll have my iPod with me! haha.But anyway, 'bout that concert I went to on Monday, Harry and the Potters concert on Monday night and Cat and Miriah were supposed to come with me. But..Cat ended up getting sick :( so she couldn't come. So it ended up just being me and Miriah. Which was cool...but poor Cat had to miss it :(. But anyway...we got there eary and everything so we just stood around and we listened to Harry and the Potters on my iPod. And then we saw a bunch of people running in and out of the place where the concert was gunna be so we kept trying to figure out who was in Harry and the Potters and who was in the other bands that were also going to be performing. So..there was the one guy who we saw and we could tell he was in one of the bands because he was carrying around a guitar and strumming on it and stuff..so we knew he was in some sort of band. We both guessed Harry and the Pottes because he had black hair. And then there was another guy who we both thought looked like a total geek, not to be mean or anytying, but he looked like a geek so we both assumed he was doing the sound or something like that for the show. So anyway we went inside and all, I bought a Harry and the Pottes shirt, there cds and all so that was cool. So anyway, the first guy to go up was the guy who we saw with the guitar outside before, he apparently wasn't with the Potters. Anyway he was really good his name was Will Markley. And then the other guy who went I remember his last name was hoho or something haha. He was okay pretty good, but not as good as the first guy. Then after him was this other band..and..well they were sorta weird, but the one guy was cool. But anyway the guy who looked like a total geek was in that band lol, he played the banjo and a few other things kinda werid but it was funny because you never, ever expected him to be in the band lol. But anyway after his band was done and he helped tear down and everything he went over in the corner..and..he started kniting....I'm still thinking what guy knits? What guy knits at a concert! But..whatever. Then after them it was time for Harry and the Pottes, which was pretty cool. It took them awhile to set up since it was just two of them..so we listened to my iPod some more (Harry and the Potters) haha. But after they set up and all they got done it was cool! The best by far lol! They sang "The Wrath of Hermonie" and that was the best song all friggin night! cuz that song rules over just about all others! They did "Wizard Chess" and "Gryfindor Rocks" "The Weapon" "My Teacher is a Warewolf" I think they did "Save Ginny Weasley" too but don't quote me on that one. "SPEW" "Cornelius Fudge is and Ass" "the Human Hospipe"..and as of now I cna't think of anymore..But anyway, it was uber cool. And guess what, they're doing concerts in balitmore and philly in May so maybe I can convince my dad to take me and Cat to one of them? He said "we should do it again sometime" hmm..I wonder how soon sometime is? lol.But
Published Sunday, April 09, 2006 by Maria. 
Daria - So, first she tells Quinn that she can fix her up for six thousand dollars. Jane - Miss Pert 'N Pretty? What can she possibly need for six G's, other than a new personality?
Daria - Wait, there's more. Then she announces for twenty grand, she can fix me. Which means she can make me look like Quinn.
Jane - Sheesh, what would you want to look like that loser for? She needs six thousand dollars' worth of plastic surgery!
Well, well well. Hear I am again, with not a whole lot to say. Harry and the Pottes concert is tomrrow night, Miriah and Cat are gunna come with me, and we're gunna have a blast! w00t! I'm pretty tired as of now though. I played badmitten with my dad for awhile after I got done typing up my persuasive (sp?) essay for school...it's not due till wed. but i don't know how long I'm gunna have to do it becaues of the concert tomrrow night. Tomrrow after school I'm gunna do my voluntear stuff at the library untill around like 4:15 or whever my mom calls. Then I gotta go home, eat pizza (I know hard) get ready for the concert and Miriah will come at about 4:45...and then at like 5:00 I'm gunna leave and then after that it's Cat's hosue to get her and then Harry and the Potters, hear we come! So yeah untill I can post about the concert That
Published Thursday, April 06, 2006 by Maria. 
Daria: Okay. We know Mr. O'Neill assigned a play, and you're pretty sure the title didn't contain the word "alien." Do you remember anything else?
Joey: Uh, I think the guy on the cover was wearing tights.
Daria: Hmm. Since there are no wrestling dramas on the syllabus, I'm guessing Shakespeare.
Jeffy: Wait, I remember now. He's a stalker. He follows girls home from parties and peeks in their windows.
Daria: Romeo and Juliet.
Well today was pretty cool. Casey wasn't hear this morning, feild trip or home sick? I don't really know..but uhh..talked to Christine and Cat while Lindasy and I were at our lockers. Homeroom ran around talked to Josh and Miriah. Pretty cool. Found out that yesterday was Josh's birthday from watching the tv in the morning..and he never told us! You don't even tell your own friends when it's your Birthday!HAPPY BIRDTHAY JOSH!So Miriah and I were mad cuz he didn't tell us. Then we had language that was cool I suppose, talked to emily and cat and all of them. Reading all we did was read the play we're reading in class..borring. Apparently I get to play the part of the slave now, oh joy. Sceince we played a really easy review game. FACS we had a sub and worked on our newspaper things I was with kevin so I had a bit of fun. Math we watched a stupid movie and almost noone payed any attention to it at all. Miriah thought she got in trouble because the sub came over and he was like are you Miriah? And she was just like yeah and then he was like okay I gotta sign your assignment book then. We both thought she got in trouble because she was looking at a magazine and stuff when he came over lol. Then lunch was okay, since Casey and Madi were on a feild trip it was just paige, Christine, Cat, Lindsay and I. We had fun, talked about a few things..Bob got sat on by a few poeople :(. After lunch was LA that was okay we edited our essays..after that was Ancient Civ. We had a quiz, got notes and watched a video. After that was 9th period wrote notes to Miriah about something I can't tell you..hahaha secerts. Talked to Josh annnd watched a short film on my iPod. Ahh yes the life, watching a movie in 9th peirod. Don't you just wish you were me? But
Oh yeah and vote for Emily!