Published Tuesday, November 08, 2005 by Maria. 
Daria - I almost killed a dog yesterday.
Jane - Gonna work your way up to humans slowly?
^^ or at least stupid people?
Well today has been..normal or borring, I can't pick. Homeroom has gotten more and more borring every day, ever since Mr. Thompsan changed seats around. I guess it's because he moved Lindsay and Alex away from me. Anyway, talked to Lindsay, Josh and Chris. Ancient Civ. is so borring, I allmost fell alsleep again. Actually Jack did yesterday. On Thursday we get to watch another movie *yay*, nappie time!! lol. I can actually fall alsleep then! Reading was borring...all we did was get homework! Science we got to do an expernment. I was with Taylor. That was fine. I hate art. Just for the fact that I'm not good at it. I had to get Emily to draw my lines for me at the end of class because I already messed up twice and didn't feel like messing up again. Math was..borring. I'm glad we don't have homework because if we did I woudln't know what to do because I wasn't paying alot of attention. Lunch I sat with Lindsay and Casey..more or less borring. Study Hall I got a headache and just wanted to sleep, wich I allmost did. In LA we had a test, I know I failed the back part. Then when we were leaving, there was this like wall of kids. So of course people start pushing and shoving people...well this is how it goes. I up getting pushed into Jack and then I get pushed again. In short I end up falling on the floor...I'm not sure how I got there but I did. In homeroom I played battleship with Josh. He won, though I think it was only from Alex helping him that he did.
Published Thursday, November 03, 2005 by Maria. 
Trent - All right, here's the plan. I'll sit right here with my foot on the accelerator, ready to burn rubber.
Jane - Trent, pull over here and make sure you turn off the car in case you fall asleep, okay?
Trent - Alternate plan. Cool.
^^Trent will fall alsleep, trust me.
Well today was...borring to tell the truth. I was going to read in homeroom...but I ended up talking to Lindsay and Josh instead. Today was the day that we had to watch the stupid video that basically says "don't do drugs" "be a good kid" or whatever. I didn't like this years video much...last years much better. The only good thing about it was that we got out of 2 peirods, Science and Reading. I sat with Jack and Josh and we talked for awhile. Then we had Ancient Civ. Again we had to watch a stupid video, Jack said I fell alsleep. I think he's right. Actually I know he's right, lol. Then in tech. ed. we got to have a "party". We could bring in food and stuff but like noone did...Me and Emily got on a computer and started seeing what sites we could get on and what we couldn't. I could actually get on to mugglenet, but I coudln't get on to shurtugal, I mean there both about books, I don't see why I couldn't get on to shurtugal!!!But anway, Fun times. In math we had a test, pretty easy actually. Lunch, i sat with Lindsay and Casey. After I had LA, Jack and I got yelled at for talking...I have a feeling that we won't be sitting near eachother when we change seats next.Chours was..fun, well getting there was. Okay so I walk with Jack, we start talking then realize that we're going down the wrong stairs, so instead of going back up and down the right set of stairs, we figure it's easier to just go around the corner and down the other set.(by the way the whole time were laughing at our stupidity for going the wrong way) By this time we figure we're late so we run...we end up getting to chours with half of the class not there yet, considoring everyone is usually late, we were early anyway. 9th peirod was...borring. I worked on the design on my backpack, because I didn't have much homework. Then talked to Alex, Josh and Lindsay for awhile. Today was actually fun, missing 2 peirods in the morning, then watching a video in one was nice, we even had chours!