Published Friday, January 20, 2006 by Maria. 
Helen - "Your lack of interest in personal interaction makes you an ideal candidate for working with the dead."
Daria, have you given any thought to your career plans?
Daria - I guess I'll just wait around for people to kick the bucket.
Helen - I can't believe you're not more ambitious.
Daria - You want me to kill people to drum up business?
Well today was okay. Homeroom talked to uhh..Josh and Lindsay, closed Nick's locker twice and so then he got really pissed and closed mine for the rest of the day. Homeroom we changed seats, I sit next to Alex and Lindsay wich is cool. Poor Josh sits in the corner all alone lol. Ancient Civ we changed seats also..:(. Jack sits in the first row next to shayne and nicole..I feel pitty him very much. Well I have to sit near Megan..so I'm not sure if could get any better for each of us. That class has gotten so borring I just wanna fall asleep, I'm not srue how Jack's going to make it in the front row lol, at least I'm in the back so he won't notice if I start to nod off. Reading..we got back our book projects and then she went on and on about how we weren't going to have as many grades for the 3rd marking period and how it would be so much harder..Mrs. Scortion os very anoying for that reason...then she went on and on about how we had to do our homework and blah, blah, blah! Science we just worked on our projects..borring. And shaybe has my screan name, thanks to bullmonkey..grrrrrrr!, wich just makes me so happy. At the end I started throwing bits of paper at Jack and we had a bit of a war with them for like the last 5 mins of class, good times, good times. Then it was music..borring for the most part. Math uhh..we just went over notes and stuff..got more homework wich is just what I need. Lunch I sat with Jack, Emily, Josh..and other people I can't remember, had fun and Josh paid me for listeing to his jokes when everyone else wouldn't listen to him. Fun. After was Language Arts..borring. Then Chours and Jack is wearing a belt so maybe a new Legend will be started who knows? Chours was fun for the most part but my throat hurt so by the end of class it really hurt. Then 9th period...worked on Ancient Civ homework and talked to Josh at the end..
Published Thursday, January 19, 2006 by Maria. 
Jake - Daria, why aren't you on the tennis team?Daria - Because it's classified as a sport.Helen - Speaking of sports, Jodie, do you know Kevin Thompson? He and Daria did a science project together.Jodie - Oh, sure. Kevin's great... (softly to Daria) ...at smashing beer cans with his head.Helen - I don't know why Daria doesn't hang around with him and his gang more.Daria - For the same reason I don't sleep with my head packed in ice
Well homeroom talked to hmm..Josh and Lindsay...Casey too I think I dunno I can't really remember now lol. Ancient Civ I really could have fallen alsleep but it was one of the very few classes with Mr. Thompson that you like..had to actually like pay attention because he would like ask us a question every 5 seconds so I couldn't really sleep that well. Oh yeah and a new marking period started today..I'm not really srue if I should be happy or not..kinda sad though since theres only one more marking peirod left after this one :(. Reading was borring...we just got stuff back and worked on essays. Science was okay..we have to do yet another stupid group project. Though this time we got to actually pick our groups wich was cool..I guess...I'm not with Jack though (grr) :(. I was going to be but he had to pick the one that like everyone in the entire class wanted to do and my locker had to not open so I didn't get to be with him...But I'm with Bullmoney so..I guess it's ok. At least I'm wich someone that I can stand right? wrong, dead wrong. Well anyway we changed seats and I sit next to taylor again. But guess who Jack gets to sit next to? His all time favorite person in the world, Megan! ha.He told me he has to sit next to her in homeroom too. Man I feel bad for him, I'm just glad I don't have to sit next to her anymore! But back to our group projects..apparently Shayne didn't have anyone to go with so guess what group Mr. Tanner just had to put him with? Ours. Exactly why I said I had to put with someone I couldn't stand. But I sorta talked to Jack when we were supposed to be working because he sits near Jack and his group was at his table working on his project so I talked to him for awhile...I told him to shoot me becasue I had to work with Shayne...he said he'd just shoot Shayne because Shayne would be more fun to kill, I feel so loved. Then I had music..fun I suppose. I sit next to Jordan or "dan"(if you get that joke I feel very bad for you becasue that means that you have been a victum of Jordan's stupidity)..Jordan is an ididot. And I really ment what I said to, he is a full fleged idiot. Music will be okay I guess...but Jack's lucky he has facs ha I can't wait to see what he makes, that could be...well I'm not sure what it could be, I think I'll just wait on that one. Then it was math..*fun*, so much *fun*. We got some grades back..also fun *dies*. Then it was Lunch I sat with Lindsay, Casey, Madi and Paige. Fun for the most part. Then I had Language Arts, we worked on our essays again, I got mine finished. After that was gym fun enough. I watched Jack dance for awhile...I got Alex to get Lindsay out..walked around with Christine for awhile...Talked to James he just stood around and we talked about how unfair it was that there wasn't anyone "cool" on our side to talk to... and how we hated the groups we were put into for the rest of the year...After I walked back with Jackson and we took the sort of long but sort of easier way back to homeroom. Apparently everyone was "in their seat and quiet at 2:22" so we didn't get to talk...*coughNickcough*. Since we couldn't talk I wrote a note to Josh because I got bored..and it really sucks because tomrrow we're going to change seats in homeroom and I really, really, really like sitting next to Josh and it's really, really going to suck becasue I highly doubt that Mr. Thompson will put me near him or Alex or Lindsay or Bullmonkey or anyone :(. Same with class I doubt I sit near Bullmonkey and Jack anymore in Math :(. And I bet I don't sit near Jack anymore in Ancient Civ. :(.. But after homeroom I just walked to the bus with Lindsay and sort of Casey, since Jack had ski and snowboard club.
Published Tuesday, January 17, 2006 by Maria. 
Mrs. Stoller: Class... you may have noticed I'm not your usual teacher.
Daria: If only we didn't have our usual students.
Well today was pretty cool. Ancient Civ we had a test...and I uhh..found out it was on like everything from chapter 4 instead of just like the last sextion we did...but hey it's okay if I don't do that good on it because it'll be on the next marking peirod so I'm not really worried. Reading we did our biography presentations...our group didn't have to go *thankfully*, Andrew and Colton didn't bother to do any of theirs...wich makes me wonder why I bothered. Science took a test..that I don't think I did perfect on..there was some stuff on it that I didn't study for :/. Computer was cool, we worked on Ultra Key wich is so cool becasue it's easy. Then like 15 mins into class the power went out! And Ethan goes "The Bogeyman is Comming"! lol. Then for like the rest of class I just talked to Ethan and like everyone else I sit near..then it came back on for like 4 mins then it went out again when I was going to Math it went out again...but it came back on before class started :(. Math was..borring..all we did was get homework!!! I have a worksheet to do tonight and then like 8-53 or something due friday..grr..I just don't feel like doing it. Lunch I sat with Jack and Bj, had fun. Then Language arts..had another test..and I'm really hoping I did good on it..I think I did at least. Then was gym..fun enough...though noone good is in my group for the rest of the year..no Josh, Jack, Emily, Cat, Chrsitine, Mariah, Lindsay or anyone else that great for the matter :(. Well..there's Alex..but that's..like it. The stupid gym teachers had to put me with just about everyone I can't stand. Oh and Ethan..but other than that noone 'cept Alex... And I got pissed at Jack and Emily because they're always in groups togther..grrr. Well we played hospital ball, it was cool, I was on a side with Josh and Christine and Christine would get balls for me and Josh and we would go and try to get Jack and Emily, fun times, fun times. I was sore at the end..but it was always fun and after Jack showed me the water foutain with the coldest water. Then we took the shorter way back to homeroom..and we were still a bit late. 9th peirod I worked on the biography project with Andrew and Colton..*fun*. Then went back..and Talked to Josh and Casey. Jack had team detention with Mr. Thompson :(, I hope he survived.
Published Monday, January 16, 2006 by Maria. 
Doctor: Why don't you be Daria?
Quinn: Oh God, just throw me in front of a train, why don't you.
Doctor: Oh come on, it can't be that bad. Give it a try.
Quinn: I just did.
Doctor: Oh.
Daria: I am not suicidal.
Doctor: All right Daria. Now can you be Quinn?
Daria: Okay, now I'm suicidal.
Well I haven't updated for awhile..I guess I'll just start with Friday..
Homeroom talked to Josh I didn't feel well so I ended up being half pissed at him...First peirod I had my spanish exam, that I didn't even know about becasue I didn't have it last week because I was having my stupid braces put on..grr...and I'm not going to know my grade for Language untill we get our report cards..though I don't think I did that bad on French. But o well it's just one grade I really just don't care about it anymore. Reading uhh...what did we do? Oh right took our vocab test..that was fine. Science was like the best peirod out of the whole day! Mr. Tanner rules sometimes! Okay well anyway, on..tuesday we went around and tried to find out where the most bacteria would be in the school and whoever grew the most won basically. Mr. Tanner let us pick our own partner so I went with Jack and we like walked around for 15 mins untill we decied to do something...we did the cafertia floor and we ended up being the last ones back to class becasue we took the longest way possible back to class, I was really suprised that Mr. Tanner didn't yell at us, but he's cool like that. But anyway we grew the most bacteria! I remember going into class and jack was like "We Won!" and I was just like what? I totally frogot about it. But back to Firday, we we did a lab..actually me and Jack didn't get done...*coughistillhavetodoitcough*. uhh...after that was Art, so much fun, I had to rush to get my stupid cat picture thing done..and everyone said that my cat looked like a wolf. That just goes to show you how much of a good Artist I am. Uhh...after that was math...I actually can't really remember what we did o well it's not that important. Lunch I was going tgo sit with Josh,Jack, Emily, Jen and all them..but there wern't enough seats left at the table : ( so it was just me and Jack. In language Arts all we did was..like..review stuff I think...after that was Ancient Civ. So borring...I wanted to fall alsleep so badly. Then 9th peirod..Josh read the physco teenager book so I just sorta did nothing...when we could talk to talked to Alex and lindsay and him. After Jack rode the bus home with me...everything went fine but like all the kids that usesd to ride our bus before they got put on 6 just had to pick that day to want to ride the bus so then that bus person guy got on and told them to get off and it took them FOREVER to get off..finally they did..I was just worried that someone would figure out that Jack didn't really belong on the bus..haha if anyone did they didn't say anything so that was all good..just scard me for a bit. Lindsay listened to my iPod on the way home..I talked to Jack, and lindsay had to sit with Mark haha. Well..then Jack met my mom and she took us to the mall....went fine..even better in a way than I thought it would..lol.
Saturday all I did was sleep..got online..did some stuff..my mom cleaned the living room and I found all my old game boy games! So I've been playing them like non-stop. Then that night I was eating pizza and, my luck, the wire to my braces broke..so I told my mom and she just ripped it out. So then I had to go back today to get another one put in, I looked really weird with no wire and no color or anything lol.
Sunday I worked on my Least Wanted poster for Scinece a little bit..studied for my Ancient Civ, Science and LA tests. Slept..got online..played my game boy..did some other stuff...
Today, Monday, I slept, watched Gilmore Girls, finished my poster *thank god*, and I still have to do my biography project *wonders why I had to put it off to the last min* and I still wanna study for Science again...hhmm..and I didn't do that lab either..*dies* yeah it'll get done, if I stop typing it will lol..
Published Friday, January 06, 2006 by Maria. 
Quinn: I'm training to become a doctor so if daddy has another heart attack, I'll be here to save him.
Daria: Dr. Quinn, medicine moron.
CJSbucs1= Casey
Saphira0823= Me
Saphira0823 [10:24 PM]: hey dude what are you doin on so late?
CJSbucs1 [10:25 PM]: i can be on when i want. well, at least until i go to bed in about 1/2 an hour
Saphira0823 [10:25 PM]: ooo
CJSbucs1 [10:25 PM]: U GOT BRACES!!!!!!!
Saphira0823 [10:25 PM]: yeah
CJSbucs1 [10:25 PM]: it consists of me, lindsay, alicia, and now u
Saphira0823 [10:25 PM]: okay...you scare me
Saphira0823 [10:25 PM]: lol
CJSbucs1 [10:26 PM]: :-(
Saphira0823 [10:26 PM]: lol
Saphira0823 [10:26 PM]: :)
Saphira0823 [10:27 PM]: I didn't know I was supposed to get them on today or I would have told you..cuz my mom said I was only going to get x-rays and stuff...*yeah right*
CJSbucs1 [10:27 PM]: i dont think she wanted u to no.
Saphira0823 [10:28 PM]: yeah I dunno
CJSbucs1 [10:28 PM]: do hey hurt?
CJSbucs1 [10:28 PM]: they*
Saphira0823 [10:28 PM]: sorta
CJSbucs1 [10:28 PM]: yet
CJSbucs1 [10:28 PM]: theyre gonna hurt more when u try to eat in the comming days
Saphira0823 [10:30 PM]: yeah at lunch I ate like nothing A) because I ate at home and B) because they hurt and Jackson went on about how none of the girls in this school eat anything and I sware I could have killed him he gets so fuckin anoying when he goes on his rant about that is' like I've herd it once already I get your point I don't need to hear it again!!!
CJSbucs1 [10:31 PM]: well, u had an excuse today. youre mouth hurt. and when i went up to u in the hall and learned u got braces, he gave me a weird look
Saphira0823 [10:34 PM]: yeah I know lol I don't think he totally got what you were talking about because I think you said something like join the club or something...and the other day I was sorta talking to Lindsay when I was going to say good bye to him and I called her Mrs. Walker Texas Ranger and we started laughing and then she said there was going to be chicken at the weeding and alll this stuff lol it was so funny and Jack's just looking at me like what? and I told him never to talk to me on aim when I'm at a sleepover
Saphira0823 [10:34 PM]: or he may need thearpy...Just ask Jordy wordy, right?
CJSbucs1 [10:35 PM]: please dont say that name... u no i hate jordan
Saphira0823 [10:35 PM]: lol
Saphira0823 [10:35 PM]: okay
Saphira0823 [10:35 PM]: Casey wasey
Saphira0823 [10:35 PM]: lol
CJSbucs1 [10:35 PM]: thats ok. just dont talk about jordan
Saphira0823 [10:35 PM]: okay
Saphira0823 [10:36 PM]: I think we have too many inside jokes don't you?
CJSbucs1 [10:37 PM]: yeah, but thats what makes the sllepovers fun. and we can freak people out when we talk about them around other people
Saphira0823 [10:37 PM]: very true..and it's not like me and Jack don't have a few of our own
CJSbucs1 [10:38 PM]: yeah, so its ok
Saphira0823 [10:38 PM]: lol
CJSbucs1 [10:39 PM]: o, apparently from what susan said, the sub i had for math, was gay. he looked nerdy, but he did look a little "queer"
Saphira0823 [10:40 PM]: hmm...this is quite intresting..I had a sub for math today too and just wondering, have you ever herd a teacher say "whatever"?
CJSbucs1 [10:40 PM]: in what kind of voice? did he say it like a girl would say, or just straight out?
Saphira0823 [10:41 PM]: straight out
CJSbucs1 [10:41 PM]: well, thats not too bad.
Saphira0823 [10:41 PM]: lol
CJSbucs1 [10:42 PM]: mr volz mock says it, in a girly sorta way. its funny
Saphira0823 [10:42 PM]: lol well the sub said it today and I was like what? cuz I've like never herd a teacher say that before
CJSbucs1 [10:43 PM]: lol. i haver
CJSbucs1 [10:43 PM]: have*
Saphira0823 [10:43 PM]: yeah I mean..it was just weird
Saphira0823 [10:43 PM]: lol
CJSbucs1 [10:43 PM]: lol
Saphira0823 [10:43 PM]: and we watched a video in math about "why you study math" it was really lame lol
CJSbucs1 [10:44 PM]: it osunds lame
CJSbucs1 [10:44 PM]: sounds*
Saphira0823 [10:44 PM]: yeah it was
CJSbucs1 [10:44 PM]: i dont even see the point in that
Saphira0823 [10:45 PM]: yeah well it was funny you know how to play double this double that? welll Jack and Josh started doing tripple and Jack got all messed up and I was like Jack that's why we study math lol
CJSbucs1 [10:45 PM]: lol
Saphira0823 [10:46 PM]: see there is a reason
Saphira0823 [10:46 PM]: hidden
Saphira0823 [10:46 PM]: somewhere
Saphira0823 [10:46 PM]: lol
CJSbucs1 [10:46 PM]: yeah...somewhere...
CJSbucs1 [10:46 PM]: its just really hard to find
Saphira0823 [10:47 PM]: exactly I had to look long and hard for that meaning...I deserve some candy for that, don't you think?
CJSbucs1 [10:47 PM]: yes u do. not that u could really eat it though
Saphira0823 [10:47 PM]: that dosen't matter
Saphira0823 [10:48 PM]: save it for latter
CJSbucs1 [10:48 PM]: then it would get all icky
Saphira0823 [10:49 PM]: well I still deserve candy...that's all that matters
CJSbucs1 [10:49 PM]: yeah
Saphira0823 [10:49 PM]: all that matters is the candy, right?
CJSbucs1 [10:49 PM]: yes. GO CANDY! lol
Saphira0823 [10:50 PM]: GO CANDY
CJSbucs1 [10:50 PM]: lol
Saphira0823 [10:50 PM]: now I want candy
CJSbucs1 [10:50 PM]: i no, i do too
Saphira0823 [10:51 PM]: yeah but I deserve it
Saphira0823 [10:52 PM]: you dont'
Saphira0823 [10:52 PM]: *don
Saphira0823 [10:52 PM]: ***don't
CJSbucs1 [10:52 PM]: and i deserved it when i was the first person to turn in my orchastra permisson slip
Saphira0823 [10:53 PM]: yeah but I found the real meaning of why we study math...I think that's a bit more important
CJSbucs1 [10:53 PM]: no its not!
Saphira0823 [10:53 PM]: yeah it is dude
CJSbucs1 [10:54 PM]: what is it with u and calling me dude?
Saphira0823 [10:54 PM]: I dunno..
CJSbucs1 [10:54 PM]: lol
Saphira0823 [10:54 PM]: well I don;t
Saphira0823 [10:54 PM]: *don't
CJSbucs1 [10:55 PM]: ok. its just that it sounds like something susan would say to me
Saphira0823 [10:55 PM]: hmm...well the last time I checked I was susan...but yeah
CJSbucs1 [10:55 PM]: u mean wasnt
Saphira0823 [10:55 PM]: o right..right...
CJSbucs1 [10:56 PM]: k, just making sure u didnt think u were susan. that would be scary
Saphira0823 [10:56 PM]: lol
Saphira0823 [10:56 PM]: well if I was susan then who would susan be?
CJSbucs1 [10:56 PM]: u
Saphira0823 [10:56 PM]: hmm...that's intresting
CJSbucs1 [10:57 PM]: yes, it would be
Saphira0823 [10:57 PM]: hmm..*thinks about what it would be like*
CJSbucs1 [10:57 PM]: lol
CJSbucs1 [10:57 PM]: o, i can get to your blog again, but nowi cant getto lindsays
Saphira0823 [10:58 PM]: dude that sucks
CJSbucs1 [10:58 PM]: STOP CALLING ME DUDE!!!!!!
Saphira0823 [10:58 PM]: why?
CJSbucs1 [10:58 PM]: IM NOT A DUDE!!!!!!!
Saphira0823 [10:58 PM]: too bad
Saphira0823 [11:00 PM]: so..what are you doing now?
CJSbucs1 [11:01 PM]: playng popit
Saphira0823 [11:01 PM]: oo
Saphira0823 [11:01 PM]: I was wondering why you stopped talking to me :(
CJSbucs1 [11:01 PM]: cuz u called me a dude!
Saphira0823 [11:01 PM]: Casey...get over it
CJSbucs1 [11:02 PM]: i will...when u stop calling me that
Saphira0823 [11:02 PM]: okay..I will
Saphira0823 [11:02 PM]: then
Saphira0823 [11:02 PM]: if you feel that way
CJSbucs1 [11:02 PM]: thank you
CJSbucs1 [11:02 PM]: i do
Saphira0823 [11:02 PM]: lol
CJSbucs1 [11:04 PM]: so whats up?
Saphira0823 [11:04 PM]: nm...on neopets and taking a harry potter quiz
CJSbucs1 [11:04 PM]: what r some of the questions?
Saphira0823 [11:05 PM]: "You don't want to bottle up your anger like that, Harry. There might be a couple people 50 miles away who didn't hear you." Ron Hermione Fred Sirius
Saphira0823 [11:05 PM]: ron and the others are the ones you have to choose from
Saphira0823 [11:05 PM]: ther
Saphira0823 [11:05 PM]: e
CJSbucs1 [11:05 PM]: i dont get it
Saphira0823 [11:06 PM]: you have to match up the quote with who said it
CJSbucs1 [11:06 PM]: ooo, ok
Saphira0823 [11:06 PM]: get it now?
CJSbucs1 [11:06 PM]: i think its hermione
CJSbucs1 [11:06 PM]: yeah
Saphira0823 [11:06 PM]: nope
Saphira0823 [11:06 PM]: Fred
CJSbucs1 [11:06 PM]: grrrrr
Saphira0823 [11:07 PM]: haha
CJSbucs1 [11:07 PM]: ok, so im not up to snuff on my HP quptes
CJSbucs1 [11:07 PM]: quotes*
Saphira0823 [11:07 PM]: well I am
Saphira0823 [11:07 PM]: lol
CJSbucs1 [11:07 PM]: well, grrr you
Saphira0823 [11:07 PM]: haha then..I deserve candy for that
CJSbucs1 [11:08 PM]: srry, i g2g to bd
CJSbucs1 [11:08 PM]: ttyl
Saphira0823 [11:08 PM]: awww
Saphira0823 [11:08 PM]: okay
Saphira0823 [11:08 PM]: bye
CJSbucs1 [11:08 PM]: bye
Saphira0823 [11:08 PM]: bye
CJSbucs1 signed off at 11:09 PM
Published Thursday, January 05, 2006 by Maria. 
Mystik Spiral: When the aliens come,
when the death rays hum,
when the bummers bum,
we'll still be freakin' friends!
When the whip comes down,:
when they nuke the town,:
when dead clowns can't clown,
we'll still be freakin' friends!
Well today was okay I guess...Homeroom did my science homework and talked to Josh becasue Lindsay wasn't there. Ancient Civ. went over stuff. Reading Mrs. Scortino yelled at us because half the class didn't have their articles that were due today( *coughJacksoncough*). Science was borring and I want to hurt Megan very badly. I CAN'T STAND HER. Anyway, in Art we worked on our pots again...and mine looks kind of deformed..or something..I messed something up..and I'm not sure what. Math was borring all we did was go over our homework...and tomrrow we get our hands on equations tests back...*dies*. Lindsay was back for lunch but I sat with Jack, Josh, Emily, Jen, Jordan...and other people whose names I will probably never remember. Had fun, Jack and Jordan started argueing about video games again, as always though, it just wouldn't be lunch without a fight aout video games. Language Arts was cool...I walked to chours with Lindsay and we went the wrong way so we got there late. And then Mr. Hoover yelled at everyone because we were late. Jack was late too, he started complaining that he shouldn't be late because it wasn't his fault that he was late because he got a lecture from Mr. Hartman for running in the halls and I told him that he shoudln't have gotten caught because the whole point of running somewhere in school is not to get yelled at by a teacher for running in the halls lol. Then Mr. Hoover yelled at us because we were talking lol. 9th peirod was borring more or less, did my science homework and talked to Josh. And referance to the title, The Legend of the Pants is over :(...but maybe not for long...