[13] Current hair: nothing special
[15] Current annoyance: blogger
[16] Current longing: For Jack to get online..he totally needs to read that comic
[17] Current desktop background:

[18] Current worry: Report cards?..yeah I'll go along with something like that..my math test *dies*
[19] Current Hate: Blogger
[20] Current favorite outfit: uhh..favorite jeans and my The Beatles shirt
[25] Are you in love:...
[26] If you could play an instrument, what would it be: I never want to play anything as long as i live..not after music class
[27] Favorite color(s): Black, Green, and Blue
[28] Do you believe in an afterlife: Sure
[29] How tall are you: no idea...
[30] Current favorite word/saying: no clue
[31] Favorite book: look at my profile I have too many to name
[32] Favorite season: Fall
[33] One person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to: can't think of anyone...
[[FUTURE]][35] Where do you want to go for college? no clue
[36] What is your career going to be like: no idea
[37] How many kids do you want: Definitely never more than two
[39] Said “I love you” and meant it:....
[40] Gotten in a fight with your dog/cat/bird/fish: Sure, Noodles
[41] Been to New York: no
[42] Been to Florida: no
[43] Been to California: no
[44] Been to Hawaii: no
[45] Been to Mexico: no
[46] Been to China: no
[48] Dreamed something really crazy and then it happened the next day: yes...
[[Random]][49] Last time you fell down: Yesterday..I was trying to pick Jack up and he had to not want me to win so..yeah..I fell down..
[50] Mature(Older Man/Woman) Crush: eww..no lol
[51] Color hair you wish you had: Mine is cool